MISSION POSSIBLE: To help volunteer organizations, start-ups and the business with new technology and initiatives that can be beneficial during the coronavirus crisis.
The American experience of Ivan Kristoff in collaborating with 911 and EMS organizations, filming industry, TV production companies and media have been shared in Bulgaria since the end of last century. He was the first Bulgarian to introduce 25 years ago the idea for volunteer rescue organizations in Bulgaria and after passing the Test of time with the Canadian Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team (H.E.A.R.T.), he created a volunteer rescue organization S.O.S. in Bulgaria, teaches kids, students and adults in the world of remote access, rope rescue, vertical emergency response and new technology. He has presented new opportunities and strategy plans how to train volunteer rescuers across the world with a unique approach.
To realize that goal, Ivan Kristoff has brought in a container his off-road emergency truck and motorcycle, along with rescue equipment for his new initiative in Bulgaria. With international partners he created a new company MotoItalia LTD to support the SOS non-profit organization and with friends he is organizing a new start up called International Volunteer stArtup and Network.
Мисията на Иван Кристоф е да създаде първата безплатна доброволческа спасителна служба за екстрeмни операции, да популяризира различните форми на спасяване, оцеляване и управления за кризи, като осигурява широката общественост с информация относно новостите в тези сфери. С участие с форуми, във вътрешни и международни екпсозиции със свои проекти и програми за финансиране на дейности свързани с мисията си, да подпомага развиването на новаторски инициативи в спасяването, да предава знанията си създава следващото поколение спасители.