With my own Innovation Fund for Rescue, I built the Smart Home-office of the Rescuer of the Future with the vision to be the birthplace of the Innovation Forum for rescue. The idea is to create a unique avant-garde ecosystem and high-technology micro region of volunteer rescue organizations, start-ups, The Future Academy, Institute for Vertical Access Network (I.V.A.N.) and Spiderman.Academy for the New Generation of rescuers. This is something unprecedented.
I envision to create a high tech platform where volunteers and professional creators can break the boundaries for the rescue and assist the bravest INNOVATION AIR RESCUE EXPLORERS of their constraints and where everyone can participate in the re-evolution of managing extremely risky operations in high risk-low frequency events that has ended with the fatal loss of life in the vertical and aerial world.
Again, I will do what no one had tried anything like this. With project A.I.R., the standards of the future of air rescue will be set. But there are high risk involved with our extreme training that I propose, and people who have tried to copy my ideas has lost their lives, but if inventions from the beginning had been guaranteed, there would never have been any inventions.
Since I created in Toronto, Canada, the World’ First Highrise Emergency Aerial Repsonse Team (H.E.A.R.T.) and Special Operation Servise (S.O.S.) as non-profit initiatives, now I envision the creation of the World’s Most innovative S.E.A.L.S. Team, because I dare to go where others don’t, and the world of aerial and vertical rescue need change and progress. I pioneered in the vertical and aerial world, so, through art, I will visualize the new bold world of extreme rope rescue. These are the five pillars of my training program: Sea.Extreme.Air.Land.Space.To make the best in the world, we need the elite and I want people who think in a new way, who understand that the whole new era requires whole new approach.
Right now, this is the right place, where you will find information for the right people who are passioned about the cause and the right strategy to achieve this goal. Browse the website and you will be having a peek into the world of tomorrow all around.
By joining the S.E.A.L.S. initiative, you have a chance to be part of the new chapter in vertical and aerial rescue rope history.
‘The vertical and aerial access on the worlds tallest structures and places have not changed much since the 20th century.
Аt the dawn of the 21st century, I had the honor to complete solo the first rope access project above 500 meters, on the top of the world’s highest structure, the CN Tower, declared one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Up there, at places where no one steps before, from a new perspective, I redesigned the very first High rise Emergency Aerial Response Tactical (H.E.A.R.T.) Plan for rapid extraction of my personnel in case of an emergency.
But since then, technology has changed revolutionary, I experimented in the air innovative concepts during my world records for heli rope access at High Reference and see the new niche market in the super high rise industry.”
Ivan Kristoff
Ivan Kristoff is establishing the Ivan Kristoff Foundation for Innovation to advance his innovative ideas, creative vision, and to promote the causes he cared about. Creating a board of trustees, he established mandates of furthering the recognition of extreme rope access work at extreme heights that can be used in extreme conditions and extreme harsh and hostile environment.
His unique experience of founding deep underground of a few kilometers on the horizontal in the “Balavanova” cave and the first one to crow through tight caving formations in order to find its deepest and biggest speleo (caving) Gallery at his early age, he has a passion to go where no one has stepped before, and this trend was maintained to the top of the Antenna Mast of the CN Tower, that still is the only one, which is more dangerous to work, because of its installed TV and Radio broadcasting transmitters that has more hazardous RF exposure than on a space station.
He has provided support for training programs at institutional level and through his know-how, field tests and scientific research his focus is on developing the Enhanced Rope Rescuer of the Future.
The SPECIALIZED RESCUE ASSOCIATION is a constantly updated version of the original High Rise Emergency Aerial Rescue Team (H.E.A.R.T.) that was founded, as an non-profit team in Toronto, Canada, and established in Bulgaria as an non-profit organization, called the S.O.S., but because of its high risk activities, such as specialized training for vertical rescue at extreme heights and aerial rescue at extreme situations, we are diversifying the age restrictions in which we want to teach children and young people into separate experimental projects. The main goal is to create the Ultimate Rescuer – The Rescuer of the Future.
Вие оставихте у мен толкова позитивно впечатление след като гледах Survivor Robinson, че за мен щеше да е голямо удоволствие да се запознаем лично... Вие оставихте у мен толкова позитивно впечатление след като гледах Survivor Robinson, че за мен щеше да е голямо удоволствие да се запознаем лично. .
Ния Апостолова, Маркетинг менажер
Аз съм напълно готов, обаче усещам, че май ще се превърнем в новина и ще успеем да се включим чак в Новините..., но важното е, че ще направим нещо за първи път в ефир, доколкото разбрах - двама репортери готови да задават въпроси чак от въздуха. Може би направо ще направим Рекорд на Гинес, вече потегляме и обещаваме да покажем картина от София, от високо за Новините...
Благой Цицелков
Нещо изключително важно, което ще заинтригува любителите на адреналина сред Вас с бънджи скок от топло въздушен балон и Закуска във въздуха" над София стартира таз годишния фестивал за нови технологии и иновации WEBIT EUROPE. На площадката, на която ще се предизвикат силните усещания., сега е Боряна Черганова а до нея е и Човека паяк - Иван Кристоф. А сега ще погледнем от високо, където Боряна Черганова и Благой Цицелков се готвят да скочат от балон. ... познахте, влязохте в НОВИНИТЕ... не скачайте все още, но ви благодарим за прекрасното началото на деня. Създадохте наистина изключително настроение а и както Вие самите казахте, нашите зрители ще могат да видят още кадри от високо.
Юлия Наева
Ние отново сме на площадката на която ще има много адреналин през днешния и утрешния ден. Ще има "Закуска над София". Ще се издигнем с този балон, който виждате вече е почти въздуха и от него не могат да се качат повече от трима души. Вече сме над земята, поне малко по малко се изкачваме.
Боряна Черганова
Мансур Алфеели, най-успялата кино звезда ОАЕ. Алфеели е у нас по покана на Човека паяк Иван Кристоф, за да участва в проекта "Сто лица на екстремните спортове". Идеята е да се подготвят журналисти за отразяване на събития в екстремни ситуации.
Иво Никодимов
Иван (Кристоф) и аз сме много добри приятели. Запознахме се... чрез общ приятел Боряна. Първо се запознах с него в Дубай. Знаех го като българския Спайдермен, Човека паяк. Виждал съм неговата работа и ми харесва и сега го подкрепям в този проект. Идеята ми харесва и се опитваме да реализираме този проект между България и Дубай..
Мансур Алфеели
Ivan kristoff is a very good friend of mine. I like what he is trying to do actually to represent Bulgaria and promote it outside. He is a good Ambassador as you can see for the country and as a person and represents a good image for Bulgaria.
Mansoor Alfeeli
The team is recognized and included in the database of 911 Emergency Services for urban high-rise rescue.
Canadian Property Management Magazine
HEART to the rescue… Highrise heroes ready to tackle any emergency”
Grant Cameron, Daily Commercial News
Ivan Kristoff's team is offering his expertise to emergency response teams in time of crisis and accidents.
Laura Di Battista, City TV