Global TV Prime Time News and late Evening News

Ivan Kristoff hanging on ropes about 300 feet off the ground during a video footage for Global TV Prime Time News and late Evening News on Monday, December30, 1996.

TV Anchor: Jane Gilbert, Reporter Bill Tulberidge

Location: 68 Corporate Dr, Scarborough, Ontario

Jane Gilbert: A high-rise rescue operation was introduced in Toronto this morning. The service intended to assist area Fire Departments in cases of emergencies, but as Global reporter Bill Tulberidge explains, its promoter was left in the mid air.

Bill Tulberidge: The Canadian Rescue Emergency Service Team had its first High-Angle Rescue demonstration in Scarborough today… Ivan Kristoff invited the media to show his rope access techniques, one hundred meters above the ground, while he drills safety anchor holes in the walls of this condo . He wants to establish a team of high-rise rescue volunteers to assist area Fire Departments. Kristoff is hired to install safety anchors in the condo exterior walls for safety window washing crews.

Metro Police Sgt. Mark Longmuir: … Hi is safe and sound.

Bill Tulberidge: Undoubted, Ivan Kristoff says there is a need for such rescue team. According to the fatal accident on the Skyway bridge in St. Catherine in June of 1996. He feels lives could have been safe if such a team existed.