New Concepts for Rope Access and Search and Rescue Training
In the next few years, rope access will change forever and the main question will remain: were you prepared of it?
There is a new disruptive innovation that will shackle the foundations and concept of rope access and there are areas for hard to reach places where rope access may not be required, The main question will remain: were you prepared of it?
The future of rope access may take a new course where rope access techs can be replaced by rope access robots or humanoids. The ropes may be used to protect only the people on the ground from falling robots or malfunctioning technology. The main question will remain: were you prepared for it?
Rope access may soon be replaced with a more appropriate terminology – remote access. Or how about – aerial access. Or just air access. It sounds even sexier. The main question will remain: were you prepared for it?
But one thing is for sure – rope access will change in a way you have not predicted it! So, some of the answers you can find if you join the conversation that will be formed here or at prior to going or remote access connection to the E.V.E.R.E.S.T. Conference. We have not set the date for it yet, as it may be the Spring , 2010 or around the 29th of May – to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the first (official) ascent on mt. Everest. Not that I care about that anniversary, but it may be a good Kickoff Party:)
Next year Ivan Kristoff and partners plan to open a new chapter in the aviation safety and air rope rescue –all at extreme heights. After the success of the High-rise Emergency Response Team (HEART), which completed the first rope access to the top of the world’s highest tower in 2003.
“This the beauty of it – no one is promoting anything.That is why this is the place to share ideas and things will go their way, depending on the interest. Personally, I am going there for the clean air and to test and play with some of the new technology and communications in the cold, remote and high altitude areas, but given the human traffic that is expected this year at the bottom and top of mt. Everest why not have a good conversation with the experienced people that we can bring there or meet on site? So, if any one i interested to come with us, I can organize and in some areas, complete sponsor/finance this initiative.“, comments the author of this project.
Now, a decade later, a new challenge lays ahead. 2014 will be remembered with an increased series of missing airplanes. Most of them have crashed in the waters, but the history knows of many airplanes that have crashed in the high mountains, like the 1972 Andes flight disaster.
The team will join forces with some of the best professional, military and police pilots, to develop and implement new kinds of air rescue in a specialized training program and create a new High-altitude Emergency Response Team. Its main mission will be to respond to high-altitude SAR around the world.
It’s a creative process. We are busy, creating the next generation strategies to deal with the new challenges in the vertical world. We design unique training programs and test them at extreme heights , to better stimulate the real world of extreme rope access operations. We are busy creating the next generation of rope rescuers.
See the Training ProcessNEVER STOP EXPLORING
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Now, when I look at the Book “Fortis 100th Anniversary 1912 – 2012”, on p.132 titled “PEOPLE CHALLENGING THE EXTREME ACCOMPANIED BY FORTIS'”, I feel proud to be part of the world brand that has countered space.
That’s why I would like to share with you this new platform that will show the True Fortis Travel Experience and THE E.V.E.R.E.S.T. EXPEDITION.”
Innovation essential on top of the world
Who says that there is no place for innovation on Mt. Everest? With the new formed team of E.V.E.R.E.S.T. (Extreme Vertical rEscue, Rope accEss and Safety insTructors) you can expand your knowledge in rope access and learn about a new way of training for high-altitude Search and Rescue and helicopter rope rescue operations!
A group of world record holders and mountaineers are joining forces to participate in a-one-of -a-kind specialized training program during a climbing expedition on Mt. Everest in 2018. Mingma Tsiri Sherpa,Managing Director of Ascent Himalayas and Cian O’Brolcháin, Operations Manager are teaming up with Ivan Kristoff to initiate a new project for the vertical world and use of IT communication in extreme conditions and heights.
During Intersec 2018, at the Dubai World Trade Center, Ivan Kristoff presented the cross- continents tour “From Bulgaria to the rooftop of the world“.
It will be an interesting joint venture between Ivan, a super high-rise rope access and rescue expert, Mingma, 19 times Everest summiteer (North & South sides), 1st Nepalese to summit K2 (Pakistan), Summits of Manaslu (Nepal), Cho Oyu (Tibet), Shisa-Pangma (Tibet), Dhaulagari , Guiness World Record holder and Cian, who has climbing experience in the Rockies, Alaska (North America), the Andes (Peru, Bolivia, Colombia), the Himalaya (Everest – Nepal, Cho Oyu – Tibet), the Alps (France, Italy, Switzerland), New Zealand, Indonesia and Central America, Scotland and throughout Ireland. They have made historical achievements over the past decades and have accomplished international status in their field of work.
Ivan Kristoff is on a mission to follow up the Himalayan helicopter rescue teams with a camera and assist them during rescue operations, as a volunteer rescue technician.
E.V.E.R.E.S.T: wirEless Video confErence for Rope accEss and reScue Technicians.
Members of the International Vertical Access Network (I.V.A.N.), are putting together an International program for Innovation in high-altitude rope rescue. Part of the program will be announced during the highest ever mass conference on Earth.
Come and join our trip to Everest Expedition 2018. You will be guided by one of the experienced climbing guide who has summited Mt Everest 20th Times and holds record for the Most Siblings to Have Climbed Mt Everest.
Imagine yourself, standing at the top of the world, watching the whole world below you, that feeling is something unbeatable and probably one of the best feelings that you can get. This is possible if you are interested and able to do this Expedition. The most popular choice among the mountaineers for Everest expedition is via the South Col that gives the most assured means of reaching the top. Time spent over 8000m is less in the approach to the summit on the south side as the summit is attempted in one push. Furthermore the south route has a good record of success due to the easy access of the route once it is opened by the first summiteers of the season.Navigating Rope Access Challenges with the Generation X – the Innovation Generation will bring the innovation summit to Mt. Everest and the world by the International Vertical Access Network in 2015.
The goal
For the 70h Anniversary of the climb of Mt. Everest, Ivan Kristoff is gearing up for a new project
“This is the dilemma for Filming and Showcasing the work of sherpas. I will be very happy to do something innovative for the Information Technology (IT) industry during an expedition on Mt. Everest in 2018. This is why I chose the do location scouting for the “65th Anniversary of the climb of Mt. Everest”. I think that it would be interesting to do a short film on sherpa’s work and their spiritual life. Such a film can be showcased in various film festivals around the world and the new media channels.
I am impressed by their reputation and positive attitude. It would be useful to depict their world to Mountain and Vertical Rescue teams. The sherpa’s experience in dealing with extreme situations at extreme heights is worth spreading around.
I am not sure if I can devote the time required to prepare to climb Mt. Everest next year, so I would rather join their expedition as a filmmaker and a reporter. I would be able to create an interesting and attractive case study on sherpas and their clients, as an example of how the top professional experts, in their field, organize and handle such expeditions. My goal is to film how people can learn from the “Best of the Best” how to deal in harsh environment, such as the extreme conditions and heights in the Himalayas.
I was approached by American, Canadian and English TV production companies, who were interested to follow me with my special projects around the world. That is why I think that it would be beneficial to showcase innovation, excitement and attractiveness on a new level.
My experience in mountain climbing is when I climbed solo Mt. Elbrus –Vertical Rush – 5555, since then I have not climbed very high mountains, but I would be happy to follow their team to the maximum height in order to film them in action“, says Ivan Kristoff.
About the Ascent Himalayas Everest Base Camp 2019
For those who want to join us, please contact us to send you the Everest Base camp itinerary. The Everest base camp itinerary can be changed if required and also depending on conditions and how the team is going.
As for the trek into Everest Base camp, if you are going later in the season, one of Mingma’s seven brothers (54 Everest summits between the brothers, Guinness World record) might be able to trek in with you. Mingma will be with clients for trek in to Base camp 2018. You can trek in any time during April / May if you like. here is the option to spend some nights in our Base Camp. Also If people are interested, the have the opportunity to attempt Island peak (6,189m).
I think you will have a great experience spending some time in our Base Camp specially towards the end of the Expedition so you can spend more time with Mingma and the team as they come back to Base Camp hopefully after making summit of Everest.
There was an amazing rescue of Pem Chiri from the Lhotse face after avalanche in 2012. If it wasn’t for Mingma’s expertise and experience at high altitude rescue, Pem Chiri might have died.
The highest DJ party in the world
Ivan Kristoff supports interisting idea for a special event in the Himalayas, that is why he offered to do the Highest DJ Pary with her music in the Himalayas. Ivan will film this event from the air and send the Live video footage to the ART Vision outdoor broadcast van. For the very fist time will be tested the E.V.E.R.E.S.T. method for wirEless Video confEREnce with Satelite Technology communication.
For more information: Нощни птици – 25 март 2012:
“Проекта Е.В.Е.Р.Е.С.Т. – E.V.E.R.E.S.T. е една инициатива в която можем да включим екип от доброволци спасители, които да обучаваме в България и в района на самия вр. Еверест. Идеята е спасителите, които ще обучаване на аварийно-спасителни дейности и въжение операции на всякакви височини, да бъдат обучавани от едни от най-добрите височинни гидове и шерпи в света. Aз мога да се ангажирам с финансирането на този проект като част от предложението ми за развиване на доброволческото спасяване в България (по чистия начин, а не както действа държавата) за най-авангардния начин за спасяване по въздух и на труднодостъпни места.
Получих покана за участие в трекинг до Базовия лагер на вр. Еверест и в Международна експедиция за изкачването на върха. Идеята ми за евентуално участие е да развия нова методология за специализирано трениране на спасителен отряд, който да отреагира при всякакви височина на високи сгради и планини. В предвид на зачестилите напоследък нещастни случаи с летящи самолети и заплахи от тероризъм, в които емблематични сгради (високи, с по-голям брой хора) биха били основната заплаха, смятам да подготвя Search and Rescue екип, който да e трениран от най-добрите специалисти в тази област. Инструктори за тази цел ще са най-добрите световни специалисти с опит в работа и спасяване, както по стените на най-високите сгради, така и по стените на най-високите планини.