The Mission


Aerial and remote access photographer, Ivan Kristoff, has placed the Bulgarian national flag and insignia on top of the urban world in 2003 and in the air during his helicopter world record and hot air balloon aerial ropе access operations. Now he is on a mission to capture iconic images with the Bulgarian flag and help others to do what he has done with great passion and enthusiasm

Заедно сме по-силни

Прочутите думи на основателя на България към синовете му ни обединяват в една цел – България да се превръща във все по-популярна дестинация за пътешественици от цял свят и затова искаме да създадем първия Фотопортал на България. Тази страница ще се развие скоро във Фото галерия на снимки и истории за България, които ще покажат необикнoвената красота на родината ни и хедонистично настроение към живот, което няма да откриете никъде другаде. За по-младите, новата платформа #ForBulgaria скоро ще предлага богат и интригуващ приключенски живот и възможности за практикуването на екстремни спортове.
Vertical rescue Together We Are Stronger


The mission of the non-profit SPECIAL OPERATION SERVISES is to promote the various forms of rescue, survival training, crisis management and to provide the general public with information on developments in emergency response and SAR industry, SOS operations, risk management, and changes in the regulatory framework in these areas in Bulgaria. By participating in forums, in domestic and international initiatives, projects, we support the development of innovative rescue initiatives.

Нашата мисия

Мисията на Сдружението “СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРАН ОТРЯД ЗА СПАСЯВАНЕ” е да популяризира различните форми и новаторски методи на обучение за спасяване, оцеляване във враждебна обстановка, управление на кризи в екстремални условия, и да осигурява широката общественост с информация относно новостите в спасяването, сигурността, управлението на риска и измененията в нормативната уредба в тези области в България. С организирането и участие на специални събития, презентации, изложения, форуми и световни рекорди в България и по света, ние тестваме където можем и валидираме най-новите ни виждания за сформирането на Спасителя на бъдещето, методи за авангардно обучение и ползването на най-нови технологии. За тази цел инвестираме свои ресурси и финансиране на дейности и проекти свързани със спасяването, оцеляването и управлението на кризи в екстремални ситуации, които подпомагат развиването на новаторски инициативи в спасяването.



Through our new initiatives, we will develop the next generation of leaders in multiple rope access disciplines, who exemplify excellence both in and outside the field of vertical operations.

Ivan Kristoff  has undertaken a unique mission to create new standards for vertical and helicopter rope work operations during emergency response on high rise buildings and remote areas. He is constantly developing new rope access procedures for rapid deployment of emergency responders via helicopters.

As a team leader with a focus on mobile computing, networking and intelligent systems for rope access and rescue, Ivan Kristoff organizes and participates in various projects for vertical and aerial operations.

This is why, Ivan works collaboratively with various government and private organizations to make safer and more efficient air rescue a reality. Partners in the International Vertical Access Network – I.V.A.N. engage in information and education outreach, frоm collaborative partnerships with academia, industry and non-profit organizations in support of Ivan Kristoff’s mission.

Ivan Kristoff`s mission to achieve new heights in rope access operations. This mission is to continue Ivan’s quest for human and scientific endeavor, breaking his own world records:

1. The altitude record for the highest solo rope access work
2. Distance record for longest rappel from a flying helicopter
3.  Distance record for longest ascending on a rope suspended from a flying helicopter

He will challenge limits that have existed for years, break boundaries and explore new methods for rope rescue, which will help further development of innovative procedures for rope access and safety.

In 2010, Ivan Kristoff introduced his ideas at the largest Middle East Military and Homeland Security Exhibition, Dubai Air Medical and Rescue Show, and the Dubai Helishow. He presented them to the Crown Prince of Dubai – HH Shaikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,Chairman of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and his brother, His Highness Shaikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

My name is my Mission: To create a network of innovative initiatives for the vertical and aerial world
I.V.A.N. Kristoff

… and so, the I.V.A.N. (International Vertical Access Network) was created. Since Ivan Kristoff’s involvement in Safety Work Groups in the improvement of Ontario rope access related Health and Safety regulations and innovative concepts for the Bulgarian Air Forces, he succeeds with his Mission statement

His goal has remained constant: to invest and assist emergency response and rescue services in the following areas:

  • creating specialized emergency response teams
  • promoting safety awareness
  • solutions for work at extreme heights
  • improving training methodology
  • enhance the safety of rope access operations
  • R&D

Safety enhancement of rope access work at extreme heights is Ivan’s prime goal. His experience in harsh environment on the very first jobs, performed on top of super tall structures, a few hundred meters above the ground, has drawn the boundaries of smart risk. So far, no one has been exposed and allowed to work in such conditions at heights above 1500 feet.

Following his fundamental values оf taking risks where few would dare, Ivan’s goal is to explore new trends in the vertical environment and reduce the gaps in safety procedures around the world.

For the needs of his partners Ivan Kristoff proposes Emergency Planning Enhancement and  training programs, and tools for teaching/training emergency responders about safety. Ivan Kristoff’s mission is to develop and work on innovative initiatives in the vertical and aerial world of rescue. He wrote new chapters in the aviation and high-rise industry and many “world’s first time” achievements in his field of work. Ivan Kristoff holds the record for the longest descend an ascent on a rope, suspended by a helicopter.


In order to continue more efficiently and bring partners from the world’s leading companies, Ivan gathered together with friends from some of these companies, and created a team to support his endeavors. The team is composed of leading experts in marketing, advertising, photography, cinematography and graphic design.

We look forward to the possibility of working with clients who are interested to promote their brand in a unique and attractive way.

Ivan Kristoff motivated people of all walk of life, willing to enter and volunteer in the search and rescue community.  Team members are available for:

•Special Events and Aerial Acrobatic Shows

•Product Placement and Endorsements

•Seminars and Specialized Trade Shows

•Professional & Personal Appearances

•Commercials & Advertising Campaigns

•Editorial Contributions

Redi helicopter for air rescue
The Digital Agency

We need to work on the future. With people with the right motivations to do that. The right motivations can move the world.

We invite partners, friends and fans to join us on a unique journey in the world of creativity, extreme sports, high adrenaline and learn new skills that will help you in life.

Основната ни задача е популяризирането на български постижения, иновации и дестинации чрез поддръжката на сайтове, обиколки из страната с цел заснемане по нов начин родината ни, създаване на едютеймънт/образователни и рекламни клипове, документални поредици, късометражни филми, посветени на бележити лица, местности и събития от родното минало, издаване на книги с атрактивни фото сесии за България и историческа тематика, както и е-списания.
Стартираме с нов подход и творческа реклама за България, която прави огромна разлика с всичко, което е правено до сега в тази насока.. Ние се фокусираме върху новаторски идеи, които влияят положително и  оформят успеха на една марка и маркетинга на преживяването за България. Ние използваме най-ефективните начини за изграждане на едно незабравимо преживяване в България, като привличаме  световни брандове, които да промотират дестинациите на България.
Extreme Communications