05 Apr Building a free indoor and outdoor climbing gym to support volunteer rescuers

Здравейте, за тези, които имат желание Планината да отиде при тях и да се направи външна 3 етажна стена за изкуствено катерене, вътрешен боудеринг до 5 метра боудеринг, специална стена за трениране, както и Веранда сред борове и красива гледка към Витоша, може се включат в инициативата. По вертикала на високите борове в двора, може да се направят и полиспастни системи за обучение на извличане на хора….
Нашата помощ за българи, работещи в подкрепа на своите общности по време на COVID-19, е да предоставим безвъзмездно труда си и ресурсите си, както и помещения за безвъзмездно ползване на средни бизнеси, които могат най-ефективно да подпомогнат доброволчески инициативи. Едното място е в сърцето на София, сред дърветата. Сега мястото е празно и липсват щорите, но локацията е страхотна. С проекта, който ще строим в близост, даваме и работа на хора от столицата и провинцията.
Другото място е в центъра на София, до 5те кюшета. За повече информация ни пишете.
Our assistance to Bulgarians working to support their communities during COVID-19 is to provide for free our labor and resources, as well as to grant facilities for medium-sized businesses that can most effectively support volunteer initiatives. One of our places is in the heart of Sofia, among the trees and has a beautiful view to the Vitosha Mountain. The place will be turned into a temporary Indoor Climbing Gym and Mobile Mission Control Center and the location is suitable to build a three (3) storey high artificial climbing wall.
This is part of our goal to create the Rescuer of the Future – the rope access tech who can climb with ropes and without ropes to safety or without safety, with technology or without technology. As you see with the current situation in COVID-19, life is not always fair and the Rescuer of the Future should be prepared for everything.
With the project we will build nearby, we also give work to people from the city and the countryside.

Here’s How we can Build an Ice Climbing Wall in Our Backyard
An ex-ice climber Ivan Kristoff will build an ice climbing wall in his backyard. He will use the base of a 10-meter-tall dry pine tree by using inexpensive supplies with a snow fence wrapped around it in the winter and artificial holds for a solo Antenna Mast Tower. This project is inspired by the fact that he is the first person in the world and a solo operator to climb and work on ropes above 500 meters off the ground – the Antenna Mast on the top of the CN TOWER.
Бившият катерач на лед Иван Кристоф ще изгради стена за катерене на лед в задния си двор. Той ще използва основата на 10-метров висок сух бор, като използва някои нескъпи консумативи със снежна ограда, увита около него през зимата и изкуствени трюмове за соло катерене в стил “Antenna Mast Tower”. Този проект е вдъхновен от факта, че той е първият човек в света и соло-оператор-катерач, който се изкачва и работи по въжета над 500 метра от земята – Антенната мачта на върха на CN TOWER.
Mansoor Alfeeli – the Dubai Actor and Film Producer for the #ForBulgaria Extreme Initiative
Rock climbing will be an official Olympic sport in the new Olympics in Japan and we will be happy to train the Rescuers of the Future with Olympic champions in other sports to grow the culture of world-class training.
One Rescuer can do the work of too many
Един спасител може да свърши работата на твърде много хора
One Rescuer can be self-sufficient SAR tech
Един спасител може да бъде самостоятелен техник по ТИС
One Rescuer can become Rescue.One
Един спасител може да стане Rescue.One
One Rescuer can achieve the impossible
Един спасител може да постигне невъзможното
Our Partners

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Startup Accelerator for rescue initiatives

We provide climbing and rope access equioment

Creative training for kids through edutainment
IKF is a membership club experience conceived by art collector, Bulgarian-born Canadian , Ivan Kristoff, organized around a world-class contemporary art collection. Operated as a non-profit housed within the club’s building, this contemporary collection will inform IKF’s exclusive membership experience and foster an environment unavailable anywhere else in the world. Easily accessible and stylishly conceived, IKF offers fine dining, cocktails, members’ lounges, contemporary art, and an artist studio — entirely integrated within an historic building in the heart of Sofia.
Kristoff teased an art foundation with 1000 square meters of exhibition space, including a lending program and archives; revolving galleries with a 550 square-meet space venue also available for private functions; and an artist residency program, including a 100 square meter studio for cross-media installations and three-month residency opportunities.
The IKF also promised an art and design store, a rooftop lounge, three different restaurants, a night lounge, a bar, a juice bar, and a Bulgarian and Canadian bakery selling traditional favorites such as bienenstich, cinnamon buns, strudel, brotchen, and laugen pretzels.
His contemporary art center promised “four to six” professionally curated yearly shows featuring established and emerging international artists.
To build a private club that functions as a dynamic visual arts center, here’s a detailed plan, budget, and key considerations based on your provided description and architectural details:
Concept and Vision
- Exclusive Membership Club: Unlike any other social members club, offering personalized experiences, luxurious amenities, and cutting-edge art installations.
- Dynamic Visual Arts Center: Regularly rotating art exhibits, pop-up shops, and exclusive installations from top-tier artists.
- Luxurious Accommodations: Hotel-like rooms on the top floors, curated for ultimate comfort and exclusivity.
- Innovative Spaces: Multiple lounges with private butlers, a rooftop juice and coffee bar, and a bakery serving premium goods.
Architectural Plan and Layout
Based on the provided architectural document and your vision, here’s the layout:
- Ground Floor (1st floor): Entrance lobby, reception area, studio apartment for staff or guest use.
- 4th Floor: Three apartments, including one large penthouse with a two-level design.
- 5th Floor: Mezzanine level of the penthouse, additional lounge areas, private elevator, and rooftop access.
Space Utilization
- Studio Apartment: For guest services or artist residency.
- 4th Floor Apartments: Exclusive lounges, meeting rooms, and exhibition spaces.
- Penthouse: Main social area with private lounges, large sculptures, and art installations.
- 5th Floor: Hotel rooms, private butler service areas, and rooftop access to the juice and coffee bar.
Budget Estimate
A rough budget outline considering construction, interior design, and initial operational costs:
- Construction and Renovation:
- Interior finishing (luxury standards): $1,000,000
- Rooftop bar and bakery setup: $150,000
- Interior Design and Furnishing:
- Luxury furniture and decor: $500,000
- Art installations and exhibits: $300,000
- Technology and amenities: $150,000
- Operational Costs:
- Staffing (butlers, reception, maintenance): $200,000/year
- Marketing and promotion: $100,000/year
- Membership management and events: $150,000/year
- Contingency Fund: $200,000
Total Estimated Budget: $2,750,000
Metrics and KPIs
- Membership Growth: Number of new members per quarter.
- Event Attendance: Number of attendees at events and exhibitions.
- Revenue Metrics: Monthly and annual revenue from membership fees, events, and services.
- Customer Satisfaction: Surveys and feedback from members.
- Utilization Rates: Occupancy and usage rates of rooms and event spaces.
Market Research and Competitive Analysis
- Competitor Analysis: Research Soho House, NeueHouse, and The Wing for comparison.
- Target Audience: High-net-worth individuals, art collectors, business executives, and influencers.
- Unique Selling Proposition: Highlight exclusive art experiences, personalized services, and luxury accommodations.
- Market Positioning: Position IKF as a more exclusive, art-centric alternative to existing clubs.
Strategic Partnerships
- Art Institutions: Collaborate with museums and galleries for exclusive exhibits.
- Luxury Brands: Partner with high-end brands for events and sponsorships.
- Media Coverage: Contact media outlets like National Geographic TV, Discovery Channel, and CNN for coverage and documentaries.
Action Plan
- Secure Funding: Finalize budget and secure the necessary funding.
- Design and Construction: Hire top-tier architects and designers for renovations.
- Recruitment: Hire experienced staff, including curators, butlers, and marketing professionals.
- Marketing Campaign: Launch a marketing campaign targeting potential members.
- Launch Event: Plan an exclusive opening event to attract attention and memberships.
The Ivan Kristoff Foundation (IKF) has the potential to become a game-changing institution in Sofia by offering unparalleled luxury and art experiences. By focusing on exclusivity, innovation, and high standards of service, IKF will attract a discerning clientele and stand out in the market.
Would you like a more detailed financial projection or assistance with specific sections of the plan?