In May, 2020, we are starting the construction of the Spiderman.Academy – the Future Academy. The landscape of one of the most beautiful areas and neighborhoods in Sofia, the Capital of Bulgaria, will be changed forever with a new building that will have it’s own vertical forest, LZ for hot air ballooning and drones.

In the Sea Suqare
Specialized Training for Rope Rescuers

Специализирано обучение за височинни спасители.

In the Extreme
Specialized Training for Dronе Operators

Специализирано обучение за оператори на дронове.

Specialized Training for Military Paramedics

Специализирано обучение за парамедици.


Year Of Foundation of the Bulgarian Military Academy


Year Of Foundation of the Bulgarian Military Aviation


Year Of Foundation of the Fortis Swiss Watches


Year Of Foundation of the Ivan Kristoff's Family Brand



Learning From The Best

5o years ago, the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of its pilots. It’s purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to insure that the handful of men who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world. Today, the Navy calls it Fighter Weapons School. The pilots call it:

Now, we aim to create an elite school for the top one percent of our rescuers. It’s purpose will be to teach the new art of aerial rescue and to insure that the handful of people who graduate will be the best air rescuers in the world. Today, in the Bulgarian Military Academy, we plan to call it:


One quarter of our training will be in the Swimming Complex Spartak  in Sofia and the Black Sea. Read more…

Ivan Kristoff
Extreme Aerial Rescue

One quarter of our training will be in the air, with flying on different types of aircraft, all over the world. Read more…


One quarter of our training will be on land, with on-road and off-road transportation, all over the world. Read more…

The Creative Agency
Extreme Branding

One quarter of our training will be on space services, with different types of GPS/GSM satellite navigation. Read more…

  • Управление на риска

    Нямаме ефективни мерки и модели за управление на риска.

  • Управление на кризи

    В момента риска се управлява чрез импровизация.

  • Управление на ресурси

    Създаване на нов модел за управление на риска при финансиране с ясни правила.

  • Управление на дронове

    Създаваме Форум 1, за да запознаем хората с новите правила за регулация в тази сфера.

  • Управление на GPS мониторинг

    Високотехнологични GPS/GSM решения за контрол на спасителна дейност.

  • Управление на навигационни системи

    Сателитни  решения за проследяване на хора по земя, вода и въздух.

Institute for Vertical Access operatioNs – I.V.A.N.

Follow the development of the Spiderman.Academy


Always First! Semper Primo! The experienced the very first time the competitive advantage “Beeing Always First” since I was a teenager and entered for the very first time the underground big natural Bell shaped gallery in the Balabanova cave, Bulgaria. I was the youngest and the skinniest extreme caver, who was exploring the new galeries and unchartered territories of the newly founded extensionsof the cave, where I finally went trough hell to fight with a very tight crack and entered the a new beautiful underworld tall hall. I was a teenager who just turned into a pioneer, just because I passed a few metters of a tide crack and found unexplored area with the most beautifull scene and natural formation that has forged my memory with the passion to search for new unchartered territories. Later, when I became a professional climber, “Being Always First” was the driving force of my professional path and I achieved new heights in the rope access industry, vertical and aerial access work on the vertical and in the air.




So, I became the First person  to do new world records for rappelling and ascending on helicopters, the First person to work on ropes above 500 meters off the ground, the First person to start and complete work on the World’s Tallest Structure in the XX century, and the the First person to create and design a whole new concept for extreme rope access and rescue operations that are aimed towards the new challenges for the XXI century. And not the latest achievement, but with the latest trend of extreme selfie with a smartphone, I was the First person to take a super extreme selfie, on top of the Antenna mast of the CN Tower, at the height of 555 meters above the ground. And that happened, because I had passion for new technology and had the professional experience to work with the world leading photography and smartphone and computer brands and companies that accelerate my digital photography talent and progress.

But all that achievement would not be shown to the world if there was no pictures and knowledge how to shoot extreme photography. By joining my MasterClasses, you will be part of the team that will open a new chapter in the vertical and aerial world.



With the Coronavirus pandemic, the world is a withess of the benefits of a new aproach to Embedded Extreme Journalism and how to find new ways to report safely and with minimum risk events and news in these challenging times.

This initiative was first tested in the air on board of Dauphin helicopter while testing the 3G and new 4G technology for Live video broadcast in 2007. This concept was first officially presented at a press conference at the Bulgarian Telegraph Agancy in 2016. and the #ForBulgaria platform was created for this project. In 2017, part of the idea was presented to journalists from BNT and NOVA TV, who flew in the air and broadcasted Live TV reportages to feel the thrill. Then their colleagues from Bulgaria On Air TV went through the Stress Test. In 2018, there was an unprecedented case and organized chaos in the history of high altitude SAR operations that was a battle-proven case study of the implementation of Embedded Extreme Journalism. The efficiency of new technology was presented in real time.

This year, in a new way and with the investment of Startup accelerator I.V.AN. for safer type news coverage, we will develop this concept with our new COVID-19 section in Embedded Extreme Journal


Set your own goals!

The Ivan Kristoff brand has three pilars, each of them reflecting an important moment in Ivan’s carrier.

Legend – Brings key characteristics of when Ivan Kristoff was named as Spiderman by the Canadian and Bulgarian media first.

Hero – Evokes Ivan as one of the Toronto’s Unsung Heroes and brings many elements of the extreme vertical universe.

Innovation – Presents the avant-garde thinking for disruptive innovation and leadership in the world of volunteer rescue.

The New Academy for the New Generation



Независимо дали се подготвяте за екстремни ситуации или искате да научите нови технологии, ние разполагаме с опита и средствата, необходими да ви помогнат за постигане на целите ви.

Web design for Rescue
въздушно спасяване


Постоянното себеразвиване и продължително обучение показава амбиция. Техническите познания и развитие с най-новите технологии, дават предимство, и подходящия момент да никога няма да настъпи, затова не чакайте! Времето не толерира нерешителността и за да сте подготвен и за работа в екстремни ситуации трябва да сте упорит, с ясно намерение и твърдо решение. С познанията си ще се различавате от конкуренцията за най-актуалните и търсени технологии. С обучението за екстремна журналистика, която започна с експериментален етап в Техническия университер Райърсън, Университета на Торонто и Нов български университет, ще се научите как да създавате планове за непредвидени ситуации и как да ги заменяте в движение и в екстремни условия, където динамиката се променя мигновенно.


Обучавайки се в академията Spiderman.Academy по минали Теста на времето в екстремни ситуации приграми, ви осигуряваме яснота на пътя, който трябва да следвате, за да успеете да придобиете нови знания с най-новите технологии в областта на информационните технологии, както и успешно да се справяте със всякакви ситуации в света на екстремното. 

Vertical Rescue
Institute for rope access


С  възможности за присъствено, дистанционно и онлайн специализирано обучение, можете да се обучавате по всяко време и навсякъде. Направете първата крачка към усъвършенстване на знанията си и увеличаване на възможностите си за по-добро и по-сигурно развитие. Изживейте заедно с нас невероятни преживявания на труднодостъпни и красиви места, когато научавате нови технологии, справяте се с нови техники и инструменти и оставятее доволни, че сте развили нови умения. Най-добре се учи в екстремни ситуации и полагайки изпит след всяко обучение, ще сте доволни от положените усилия, готови да поете по нов път на развитие, нова кариера, нови задачи и да посрещате нови предизвикателства!