The A.I.R. Embedded Extreme Journal

At Innovation Forum we can cover the Future of A.I.R., Air SAR and HEMS 

АКОМ Disaster Coordination Center

Supportive articles for the Aerial Rescue Project



Модели: Николета Николова и Иван Кристоф Фотографи Лазар Гушев, Иван Йотов и Христо Христов
Хибридно клетъчно / сателитно GPS проследяване

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With the #COVID-19 pandemic, we want to reassure you that our volunteers are working throughout these challenging times to share knowledge that must and will remain open for all.

We find ourselves in remarkable circumstances this year. The COVID-19 pandemic makes clear our interconnectedness and the responsibilities we have to one another. We have no precedent for its challenges, but we do know that our best response relies on the sort of empathy, cooperation, and community building that sit at the heart of our movement.

I want to acknowledge the invaluable work of the people and organizations that supported the Bulgarian S.O.S. initiative for volunteer rescue.. Thank you for your support. The related to the coronavirus extreme measures articles are aimed to share our expertise in proactive activities for emergency preparedness. We are proving that, even in a time of social distancing, we can celebrate our human bond by coming together online to share our knowledge and experience.

We will keep working around the clock to bring you up to date with our new COVID-19 section in the Embedded Extreme Journal

Take good care,

Ivan Kristoff and friends.

Our Embedded Extreme Journalism

Soon we will be launching a test platform for Extreme Magazine, in which you can have access to become authors/publishers and broadcast web TV news and LIVE video coverage. Subsequently, you can advertise your stuff and find clients who want to advertise. You will call the price yourself when post and approve article compliance before each post.
You can see a new section for the Bulgarian Air Force pilots in our News platform, in which you can read about exciting Bulgarian men with whom you can fly and have fun in the air. Write us if you are a pilot and want to share exciting news and photos.
At the EXTREME JOURNALISM platform, you will deep dive into the technical advancements that we apply in embedded extreme journalism and future-thinking that will lead the next generation of urban high rise and high altitude rescue development.
Join a diverse community of innovators solving global challenges and start your innovation journey with us today.
Mountain Air Rescue Service
Innovation Forum

Скоро пускаме новинарска платформа за Innovation Forum, в която ще Ви се даде достъп да станете автори на стартии и видео репортажи. В последствие, ще можете да преентирате Ваши идеи по темата и ние да Ви намираме партньори, които искат да инвестират в тях а Ви да ги рекламирате в замяна. Вие сами ще решавате каква цена да обявите, къде да публикувате статията и преди всяко публикуване одобрявате съответната статия.

Също така ще видите нова секция за пилотите на българските ВВС в нашата платформа Extreme News, в която ще прочетете вълнуващи истории и хора, с които можете да летите и да се забавлявате във въздуха. Пишете ни, ако сте пилот и искате да споделите вълнуващи новини и снимки.