For Partners


If you want the world to see your brand products and services in a new way stand out from the crowd and show it in action where no one has dared to go with us, you can achieve your goals with innovative ideas.


Consulting, Marketiting, Advertising, Branding, PR and Creative Serivces for Rope Access and Aerial Rescue Projects



Ivan is not only physically fit and strong, but also has the mental strength to handle long, intense and stressful rope access Special Events and World Records for aerial/vertical operations. Ivan is product of an active, healthy and positive approach to life and overcoming adversity no matter the circumstances.



Ivan has endured the highs and lows in the extreme sports. He has passion for innovation and as a pioneer in his field, Ivan is more passionate than ever and will go beyond what is expected of him.

Welcome To The Fortis Fan Club


Ivan’s vast world rally experience has taught him to know when to push and when to conserve, experience that can’t be taken lightly in the vertical and aerial world. Ivan refuses to be complacent however, embracing every opportunity for greater challenge, confident of achieving all goals through his unwavering passion.

Extreme Branding


InnoVAtioN is embedded in Ivan’s name. He will work closely with you across all aspects of this partnership intent on offering innovative experiences, new marketing strategies and new ways for your brand to target your key customers.

Extreme Communications


Ivan has endured the highs and lows in the extreme sports. He has passion for innovation and as a pioneer in his field, Ivan is more passionate than ever and will go beyond what is expected of him.

Extreme Services


Strong personal relationships, Fresh ideas and innovation, Honesty, openness and trust, Always exceeding expectations, Reliability and accountability, Passion and perfectionism. 


Ivan Kristoff has constant principals of value that have been battle proven in extreme environment die to his bold concepts and disruptive innovation. With the new changed world situation, Ivan is restructuring his approach to work on innovative projects for extreme vertical and aerial rope access and rescue.

The Vertical Rescue.com and AerialRescue.com domains will be redeveloped as two news platforms. They will be modeled with the focus on providing expert up-to-the-minute coverage of innovation in aerial and vertical rescue in the international arena.

Emergency personnel and rope access technicians  will have free access to the most comprehensive coverage ever provided, which concentrates on domestic issues as well as providing daily coverage of the major achievements in the field of aerial and vertical rope access.

AerialRescue.com has already made introduction to the new MId Air Rope Acceess concept and impact on the market in a short space of time and will forge a reputation as being the go-to website for extreme aerial rope access coverage for breaking news.

At the first stage of the new designed website, AerialRescue.com is headed up by a PR and Communication team with more than 30 years of journalistic experience in the rope access and general vertical world.

SQ 800 #AirForumOne

Aerial Rescue and Extreme Rope Access Experience with special true innovative VR experience and 360 degree filming

This ART for AIR Rescue initiative brings experienced pilots, SAR and rope access techs to join forces with creative people and aerial cinematographers with highly promising young apprentices to collaborate in a face-to-face edutainment. The International program will start during А.I.R. Forum 2020 and we will initiate enriching dialogue between people of different generations and cultures, fulfilling its aim to make a significant contribution to the visual presentation of the air rescue industry.

One of our art projects is to create an Art Limited Edition Watch for the 20th Anniversary of the first space services on the exterior of the Antenna Mast of the last century’s world’s tallest building. Therefore we will design a special watch that matches the look on one of the most iconic structure in the world.

At the A.I.R. Forum, Ivan Kristoff will present his concept to write, design and publish the special book with 20 partners for the Mid Air rope Assess (M.A.R.S.) project. The Book will be printed in 20 Limited Edition copies.

Show your innovation with us!

We are looking for partners to join forces for this project: Case Study of Global Brands


What we can do for our partners

With our Creative Team we will ulustrate in a unique way the new concept for rope rescue, med evac and helicopter operationon super high rise buildings

Short film

This winter, we are going to film a 30 minute documentary on creating a volunter rescue team for extreme rope rescue.

Web TV interviews

We are going to capture on video inteerviews with the key players of the Dubai Helishow and our partners, who want to showcase their brand, products and services


We can design for you, print and post your 95×240 cm presentation on our Exhibition Booth

World’s First and 360° Spherical Panoramic Photography

The first “Extreme” TV episodes and Live demo of “trailblazing” during helicopter flying can be broadcast at the Dubai Intersec Expo

Aerial Rope Access Photo Shoot Experience

This Arts Initiative brings experienced pilots, rope access technicians, artists, musicians and aerial photographers with highly promising young artists to collaborate a one-to-one mentoring relationship. The program will start during Dubai Helishow  2014  and we hope to initiate enriching dialogue between artists of different generations, and cultures, fulfilling its aim to make a significant contribution to the visual presentation of the helicopter industry. See more

Social Media Mix

We can help you populirize your participation in our event through the Sobial Media Mix and advetising with $10,000 in Google AdWords at no cost to our partners.


Over the years Ivan Kristoff has amazed the public and media with his heart, character, achievements and good causes. Now he implements his experience, knowledge and support of friends and world leading corporations to go further…

he 19th edition of Intersec saw a participation of 1,304 exhibitors from 58 countries and welcomed 32,750 visitors coming from all over the world. For the 2oth edition of Intersec 2018 we expect it to be bigger, more comprehensive and more futuristic!Our network of  PR specialists, media partners and embedded journalist helps us in maintaining a good media coverage of  our events. Some of the latest coverage can be found at www.flickr.com/photos/ivankristoff

In the article “Vertical Challenge”, February 2011, on page 56,57, 58 and 59, you will find out how “High-rise safety expert Ivan Kristoff rescues Middle Eastern market” and tests the new extreme line of Swiss Made Watches and Nike Dry-fit line during an aerial rope rescue procedures.

“I was deeply impressed by the two Princes that I met and was honored to be in their presence”, says Ivan Kristoff in the article.


Ivan Kristoff writes and produces his own e-Newsletter Articles for the Helishow Magazine. You can read more about his other Newsletters, magazines and concepts at:




Mark Mennie is our friend and professional photographer, who we can trust with his photography with our meetings with:

  • H.H. Shaikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
  • H.H. Shaikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
  • His Excellency Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori, the UAE Minister of Economy visits Ivan Kristoff’s booths at the Dubai Helishow 2012
Даниел Йорданов
Проджект мениджър при изработката на уеб сайтове, фотограф
Създадохме рекламно студио GD styles, за да създаваме индивидуални проекти. Идеите ни да бъдат полезни на хората и те да разберат, че качеството и естетиката са важни за тях, за да се представят впечатляващо пред света и да спечелят доверието му.
Моята роля е да ви консултирам коректно при изграждането на Вашия фирмен уеб сайт или онлайн магазин, да се съобразя с желанията ви, да проследя световните тенденции и да дам рецептата за работещ уеб сайт с уникален дизайн – без темплейти, без плагиатствани елементи, без копирана информация. За целта е необходимо да имате собствени фотографии и текст, написан специално за вашия уеб сайт. По тези две точки също мога да ви бъда полезен, тъй като аз лично съм фотограф и избирам кадрите внимателно към всеки сайт, както и определям съдържанието на сайта като структура, брой страници, разположение на елементите от дизайна за най-лесно ползване от потребителя… или с няколко думи следя целия процес от първия ни разговор до първото запитване от Вашия нов уеб сайт.
Стъпките са лесни, когато имате добър “учител”, доверете ни се и се уверете в това.
Гергана Цветкова,
Полиграфист, графичен дизайнер, уеб дизайнер
Щастлива съм да съм част от GD styles и идеите, заложени в името му. За повече от 15 години в областта на рекламата съм натрупала опит и рутина, изградила съм се като графичен и уеб дизайнер, а като магистър по полиграфия съм научила много от тайните на печата, за да ги прилагам при всеки проект за максимален визуален ефект като чистота на цветовете, подходящи материали при допир или друго атрактивно решение.

Стремя се всеки проект да бъде със свой живот и собствен характер, да уловя копнежа на клиента и да предам тази искра във всеки негов рекламен материал или уеб сайт.

Затова внимателно се обмисля всеки детайл, съчетава се с подходящи цветове, букви, форми, добавя се чувство и… ето го Вашият нов рекламен продукт – красив, впечатляващ и с дизайн, направен специално за Вас. Това е моята задача – да се грижа всяка стъпка по този път да бъде безпроблемна и да получавате професинална обективна консултация за всяка услуга, предлагана от нашето рекламно студио.

Showcase your brand to stimulate business via an attractive and appealing marketing platform:

  • Showcase your products and services in aviation related events that attract the affluent market segment.
  • Boost your image while engaging your clients in an interactive and improvised technical demonstration during your event.
  • Solidify and create lasting business relationship in a memorable environment through a unique B2B hospitality platform.
  • A professional, creative and passionate team that supports Ivan Kristoff will help you promote further your marketing needs