


With our Bulgarian and Canadian aviation that has over 100 years of experience, we would like to contribute to the safer future of aviation and share our futuristic plan for the next generation of safety and security in the aerial rescue. Among the few new initiatives that we will introduce to the world of vertical and aerial rescue, project A.I.R. will open a new chapter in the aviation and we can forge a collaboration with innovation-oriented organizations and set new trends in training for extreme air rescue operations.


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A Test pilot is a person, who is ready for anything and even more, who knows all the instructions but can make a decision not according to them, who always faces only non-standard situations and only after he has found a solution he gets into the instructions. During the Bulgarian Aviation Day, on the 16th of October, 2020,  with our NISSAN fleet of ER cars, we will test the new Hybrid Monitoring  for Air Rescue (SAR) operations.

Our Four Worlds of Rescue



International Volunteer SAR Network

With the A.I.R. project, we’ll not only open a new page in aviation and rescue history, but we will contribute to new methodologies in security training and crisis management in air, SAR operations and develop new niches in the global aviation and rescue industry. With my team, experienced pilots, doctors, specialists and partners, we will be happy to work together with your organization for a safer future.

Stanimir Leshev