24 Mar Artificial Intelligence for Rescue (A.I.R.)
Prof. Sid Ahmed Vanara Hwan: Hello everyone, my name is Sid Ahmed Vanara Hwan. I’m a professor of management at Carson School of Management, University of Minnesota in the US, and I’ve been advising Dubai police on some exponential technologies. Today, I want to kickstart our discussion on the integration of artificial intelligence into society and government, particularly focusing on predictive analytics. This capacity of AI is crucial for enhancing safety, crime control, and overall community well-being. With me today, we have Dr. Asa from Dubai police, and we’re joined by Ivan Kristoff and Ryan from Canada.
Atthe PANEL DISCUSSION: AI: The next frontier in law enforcement of the Dubai.WorldAIshow. Ivan Kristoff shared how AI-powered RoboRescuers will increase the efficiency of rescue operations with Capt. Dr. \ Esa Ibrahim Basaeed, Head of Technical Studies Section, Gen. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence Dubai Police, Ryan Prox, S/Constable in Charge of Crime Analytics Vancouver Police Department, Canada and Dr Sid Ahmed Benraouane, Professor, Carlson School of Management, UMN; Advisor, Dubai Police; Senior Advisory Board Member, Trescon.
Ivan Kristoff is designing an A.I.R. platform to present innovative solutions for the digital transformation of Information and access to high sensitivity and heavy duty Point of entry that can prevent accidents and criminal activities. Тhe traditional rescue belongs to the past. The Future of Rescue is to encompass AI and use it carefully to enhance the Rescuer of the Future – not replace him. Especially after the recent air crashes where the digital security issue is very relevant, now I more important than ever to approach this issue very carefully and never to ignore the Human Factor and Moral Compass.
“Super proud to be part of the Opening of the #WorldAIShow Discussion Panel and this outstanding project, which we kicked off in Dubai and which will gathers more attention in Bulgaria and worldwide.
With respect yo the moral decision for AI this is one of the issues that with the representatives of Dubai Police, Vancouver Police and the Academic world of UAE we discussed here.
Exactly two years ago, I posted “The SAR (Search and Rescue) Tech of the future” after I tested the HoloLens VR glasses of Microsoft during the Opening of the Microsoft Innovation Center in Bulgaria”. Now we are on the verge to develop my concept for the Future of Rescue and the New Generation of Rescuers…”, says Ivan Kristoff.

During the Intersec Artificial Intelligence and Information Security Conference, Ivan Kristoff met Brigadier Khalid Nasser Al Razooqi, Director General of Artificial Intelligence, Dubai Police. They discussed the possibility to on the challenging concepts of the innovative Series of project for A.I.R., one of each is Artificial Intelligence for Rescue (A.I.R.).
In 2003, when Ivan Kristoff made his stunning free-solo rope access work on the unclimbed Antenna Mast of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest structure at that time, he was taking an unimaginable risk: working/climbing/rappelling, etc., solo at the world’s first remote access above 500 meters off the ground, had its unprecedented challenges. Nearly two thousand feet above the lake Ontario winds and everything you have to do was established by the end of the three week job was having to be calculated at least three times higher than any normal job at sea level. Especially in the worst extreme weather in the winter, and strong freezing winds – especially when things go wrong, as it happened and it was predicted for the worst case scenario on the Contingency Emergency Planing prior to awarding the contract to Ivan Kristoff’s company. One of the challenges that is still existing is the possible vertical and aerial rescue via helicopter that was part of the exit strategy for Class D Rotorcraft External Human Load hauling was practiced by setting a series of world records and containing data that can now be used for Machine Learning for t Artificial Intelligence. Now, with the constant challenges of building higher and higher buildings, Ivan is on a mission to learn how to implement intelligence into solutions for A.I.R. with the Microsoft AI platform, including pre-trained AI services like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework, as well as deep learning tools like Azure Machine Learning, Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, and Cognitive Toolkit.
In the process of organizing new special project “A.I.R.”, Ivan take us inside the process of documenting his quest for the VR visualization of what the pilots and air rescue crew should experience at work at extreme heights above ONE K. — and the ethical calculus of filming of people who could, with the slip of a finger or a sudden catch of the Top of a Tower, would plummet to their death, as it has happened before with a Russian flying crew. That is why AI and Robotics cold be beneficial to create the Rescuer of the Future who could benefit from such enhanced delivery of knowledge. One step further is to use AI to develop the CybeRescuer of the Future, who could replace humans in extremely dangerous places and situations.
Ivan Kristoff, who has studied CyberLaw and IT at the University of Toronto, is working on the initiative for digital transformation in the world or vertical and aerial rope access operations. As a member of the elite Nikon Professional Services (NPS) group of photographers, his introduction to the digital imaging started with the he D1, the first professional digital SLR camera on top of the urban world.
Whether it’s reporting on conflicts or rescue missions abroad, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, Ivan Kristoff’s concept for Embedded Extreme Journalism provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It’s all the news that’s fit to watch.
Project xCloud: Gaming for edutainment of the New Generation of Rescuers
“The future of gaming is a world where you ca empower SAR Techs with specialized training in Trailblazing and the games they want, with the people they want, whenever they want, wherever they are, and on any device of their choosing. For my students, I want to rE-create the world of e-xtreme training, extreme sports, at extreme heights, for the extreme experience.”, says Ivan Kristoff