.comONE Presentation for the World’s First INNOVATION VR FORUM
Forum World’st First Forum in the air
This event is in honor of the life and work of the Unsung Heroes
2022 has presented the emergency services and SAR community with unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. How can EMS and Civil Aviation organizations prepare for managing SAR operations in this new environment? Join us virtually and learn the latest advancements in evidence-based and practical approaches in emergency responder resilience.
Това е тренировъчната платформа, философия и концепцията на “Спец. отряда за спасяване” в подготовката за спешно реагиране и обучение за екстремни спасителни мисии в рамките на Златния медицински час.
Заснетото видео с Insta360 ONE R, показва перспективата която ще се презаснеме с VR версия и с пълен сферичен 360-градусов клип заобикалящата среда на Дома на Спасителя на бъдещето
In 2001, after the events of 9/11, with a few of the EMS professionals and volunteers of Toronto, we were recognized for our contribution to the society. Then I had the honor to be the Special guest for the Opening of the Super Bowl in Toronto and participate in the International Chief of Police Association meeting in the SkyDome, where I did a special aerial tactical vertical landing on the playfield.
So, as a tradition, with the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, we did a few special aerial events on the 9th of September, 2007 where we showcased how to deal with bomb threats in cooperation with the Police, Fire Department and the Specialized Unit for Combating Terorism (СОБТ). That is why I followed up on that tradition on the 9th of September 2020, to invite a few people with military bacground, journalists, IT specialists, technicians and from all walks of life who want to experience with us the harsh environment in which we will train the Rescuer of the future.
The main topic of the day is TRAILBLAZING FOR THE CREATION OF A VERTICAL AND AERIAL RESCUE EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN. For that reason, on the horizontal arrow of the crane you will experience the surrounding of the cat walk of the SkyDome (now called the Rogers Center in Toronto), where you can see in the photo bellow, how our friends from the Metropolitan Police Emergency Task Force (ETF) did their technical demonstrations for the International Chief of Police Eve parade.
CAUTION:This is the real thing, a construction site with hard to reach places and for your safety we will shut down the power of the crane and guide safely all the way up. We will provide safety and filming equipment, as well technical support. Because of the COVID-19 precautions, we will follow all adequate measures, so we suggest that you bring your own gloves and hats, because climbing up in the inside of a confined space of an open crane is always uncomfortable and that is the point to put you safely OUTSIDE THE COMFORTABLE ZONE and at the end of your vertical and air walking journey to enjoy the mission success and beautiful Mountain View from above a high perspective.
We are building the Home-office for the Rescuer of the Future and invite there on an exiting Discussion Panel, high in the air, to see our new technology for remote hybrid monitoring.
Introduction to the Development of the First Residential AIR RESCUE EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN in Bulgaria
Thank you very much for your interest in the A.I.R. Forum that will be dedicated to a work and life of Stanimir Leshev, a brave man, who dedicated his profession the safety of aviation. The event will take place in Sofia, on the 16th of October, the Bulgarian Aviation Day. On that day, we will present our concept for organizing the very first AIR forum in Bulgaria where you can get real-world experience of specialized training for vertical and aerial rescue training. One of the high adrenaline training experience will be on our high crane. Or you can watch us online in 360° spherical panoramic view. These will be a great opportunity for volunteer rescuers and to get specialized training in the following 4 weeks.
During the event we will have Open House for the S.O.S., a nonprofit organization and we will present our Charity Action, where Ivan Kristoff has donated his Italian scooters GARELLI and Limited Edition Swiss Made watches for financing new bold initiatives for extreme training. Also, he is donating his personal emergency vehicle, Nissan Xterra to be used for SAR (Search and Rescue) missions and a Mobile Mission Control Center for embedded extreme journalists. Our mission for the event is to raise awareness, of the new course of action that with our partners we are taking to increase safety in aviation and the efficiency in SAR operations.
In he next following days, we will introduce you to our experts who joined our nonprofit organization and its history. Our core mission for the event is to commemorate the cause of Stanimir Leshev, who was appointed as Director General, Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration in Bulgaria.
At the A.I.R. Forum, we will have a Panel Discussion on the following topics:
The new industry trends in SAR technology
The new challenges that can be faced with the Bulgarian Air Forces, Police, Fire Department, Mountain Rescue Services, insurance companies, air service operators and volunteer organizations.
The new players, who are looking to join the SAR ecosystem.
We will present our unique approach to increase efficiency in developing a more optimized platform for developing an innovation-focused SAR organization that can conduct Sea-Air-Land rescue missions?
The key outcomes for our efforts are to bring awareness to this initiative and our capabilities in order to recruit volunteers who can join us in our cause.
You can find more information about this initiatives at our communication channels and websites.