A Career Enhancing Experience
Fire Rope Rescue

THEME: “The Future of Safety, Security and Fire Protection”

For the very first time we can discuss the innovative concepts for Training, Advanced rescue operations, E-mobility, New technology, new methodology and educational methods for preparing emergency services for the Future of rescue. There will be presentations, like “Mid Air Rope access reSponse (M.A.R.S.)”, “Creating a Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team”  around the world, High reference helicopter operations and other which address many aspects that will be beneficial for helicopter operations on high rises and super high rises. We will have a Panel discussion with the Bulgarian Fire and Police Department, world renowned experts and some of the Top of Mind experts in the vertical world.

MOTTO: Shape the future

The Forum will present innovative concepts for the Ultimate Safety, Security and Fire Protection.  This will be a new kind of a forum that will cover actual and futuristic problems (given the bold projects that are in development of super high rise buildings.

FOCUS: New concepts/developments for vertical and aerial rescue.

The recent fires on the exterior of a high rise building in London and Dubai, raised a lot of movements and initiated the redevelopment of programs and cooperation among different industries that so far have worked on their own agendas and regulations, but saw the need to cooperate, improve legislations and methodologies for preventions, operations and new training programs for work at high places and aerial access and evacuation of people.

What is our motus operandi?

Ориентирът и модулът ще бъдат в рамките на Златния медицински часДа се представи нова платформа, в която всички доброволци да могат да си представят идеите и през 2018г. да се направи Иновационен Форум на който експерти и институции да бъдат поканени и дадат решения или споделят опита си. 

Why you should go to the VR Forum?

This forum presents ideas that can re-engineer your team tо perform rescue at extreme heights and show to the world a human and technological achievement that has never been seen before.

Why us?

  • We think out of the box, foresee problems that others don’t and predict the future in our field of work due to our extensive experience, training and academic achievements.
  • We provide the 360 ̊ strategic plans for our solutions, look at the “bird’s eye view” on every concept and compare it to today’s position on the market.
  • Uniquely qualified team – from jet pilots who have trained in multitasking operations, to G4 car racing pilots who train our ER personnel, we understand the complex issues surrounding  ER.
  • Depth of resource – an in-house team of experienced ER responders and access to reliable intelligence from high-level global sources in industry, finance, politics, regulation and the media

What we do?

The Advisory Group of the Forum plays various scenarios to find flaws and where possible put them on the test to search for unforeseen situations that may arise in the future.

From whom you can learn?

From ex Commanders of Specialized Units for Combating Terrorism, Air Bases, Military, Police Air Wings and private helicopter rescue units, trainers for the Ministry of the Interior’s Police Academy, Directors of hospitals, doctors, instructors, to TV producers, film makers digital media gurus and journalists, we can provide you with the know-how and wisdom of “combat proven” experience.

What volunteer rescuer can learn in the workshops?

  • Strategic advice on new market entry and help in locating suitable local partners
  • We create plans from strategies that have passed the test of time.
  • We predict the future, based on our knowledge, experience, research and creative thinking, so that we find what can be your unique position and how you can get there.

How can you volunteer organizations to get more visibility on the global scale?


We have a creative agency that partners with world renowned brands to promote high profile projects through innovation. Our problem-solving experience in extreme rope access work on some of the most dangerous projects on Earth, has been covered by the global media. One of them is the world’s first and highest exterior repair at 1725′ on the CN Tower in 2003, during winter extreme conditions and winds above 60km/h. We kept it confidential for many years…

What will we learn about unique approach in PR and marketing for NGOs?

We have a different approach in PR and marketing, which develops and promotes innovative projects through special events, international media and SMO.

Our creative advertising with real life stories makes a world of difference. We focus on innovative ideas that positively influence and shape the success of a brand and experiential marketing. We use the most effective ways to build a memorable experience with your brand and the target audience. We have created a powerful connection for our clients and their brands in local and international markets and media.

Our work process is very startup-like; we do Research, see behind the corners, where other don’t see, find new trends and niche market that can be profitable for our clients and create innovative projects to promote their brand, products and services.

Who we are?

Who we are?

We are a global ER and PR management consulting agency, committed to guiding our clients through an increasingly complex international trends in the vertical rope access environment. Our partners and clients include many of the world’s leading corporate entities.

What is our experience?

We’ve had the experience of promoting our own products and services on the International arena couple of times and have worked with some of the world’s leading brands, so, we’ll be able to share all that experience with you too. We use our creative thinking to foresee the new trends and the future in our clients and business partners.

Каква ПРОГРАМА се предвижда да има за форума през 2018г.

ПРОГРАМА – чернова версия


08:30 Регистрация

09:00 – 10:30 I дискусионен панел: Създаване на доброволчески отряди и развитие на устойчиво партньорство с институции

Тематични акценти:
* Създаване на Специализиран отряд за спасяване за действия по вода,земя и въздух

* Създаване на мобилна комуникационна система,  Специализиран отряд за спасяване
* Създаване на Тренировъчна база с Авио кула и Иновационен център на Специализиран отряд за спасяване
* Създаване на специализирана методика на Специализиран отряд за спасяване
* Създаване на образователни филми за  на Специализиран отряд за спасяване
* Готовността на научния сектор и бизнеса да участват в развитието на организацията
* Предоставяне на Националния  наръчник за Издирване и спасяване на Канада  
* Ниво на внедряване на иновации в спасяването
10:30 – 10:40 Q & A
10:40 – 11:10 Кафе пауза

11:10 – 12:10 II дискусионен панел: Спасяване без граници и възможности за създаването на въздушна пожарна

Тематични акценти:
* Подготвени ли сме да отреагираме на пожаро гасене и спасяване по вертикала на най-високите сгради в  България

* Методология за обучение и сертификационна програма
* Екстремно трениране за екстремни операции по вертикала
* Екстремно трениране за екстремни операции по въздуха
12:10 – 12:20 Q & A

12:20 – 13:20 III дискусионен панел: Специализирана екипировка и създаване на Mobile Mission Control Center

Тематични акценти:

* Примери за успешно внедряване и използване на технологични иновации в Издирването и спасяване (VR, GPS устройства и др.)
* Предизвикателства при комуникациите между доброволчески организации, държавни институции и медийно отразяване на акции при Издирване и спасяване и възстановителни работи. Практически насоки
* Създаване, обучение и сертифициране на екстремни журналисти

13:20 – 13:30 Q & A

13:30 – 14:20 Коктейл 


14:20 – 15:20 IV дискусионен панел: Как да презентираме и създадем визия на доброволческите организации

Тематични акценти:

* COPYRIGHTS AND ITS IMPACT ON INNOVATION – Авторки права и въздействието им върху иновациите
* Разискване на казуси, които са напълно ограничили показването на иновации и негативния ефект за всички страни
* Защитни практики и нови модели на управление на интелектуалната собственост, която предпазва развитието на доброволчески организации

* Регулация на интелектуалната собственост в дигитална среда
15:20 – 16:30 Q & A

16:30 – 17:30 V дискусионен панел: Как да презентираме и създадем визия на доброволческите организации

Тематични акценти:

* Conversational Presenting с PowerPoint
* Presentation Creation
* Presentation Training

* Personal Consulting