About This Project


50 years of separation between the First Ascending on the Mountain and Urban Top of the World. See what was exciting in the following 20 years, and how we can document the 70th Anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest and the 20th Anniversary of the first rope access work on the World's Tallest Building of the 20th Century

CN Tower 2003: First Footsteps – Ivan Kristoff

50 years after the first footsteps on Mt. Everest, the Top of the World, Bulgarian-born Canadian Ivan Kristoff. One man of two nationalities,  achieved one goal to make the First Footsteps on the Top of the Urban World.

Everest 2019: Extremely Overcrowded

When the first people stood atop the world’s highest mountain and structure, there was no lineup and no one could help them or come to the rescue. But that was then Now the “Dead zone” was reached by foot and by by air.

Everest 2023: Embrace the future!

50-70th of the World’s First on Top of the World

Now in the Digital age another innovation came from New Zealand to monitor anywhere, anytime and at any height heli rescue operations with The Next Generation Tracking Technology. And from our experience on the World’s First Climbing of the Urban World and  THE FUTURE OF TRACKING – TODAY, we will work together to make the World Summit Forum at Everest 2023 to embrace the future!

Хибридно клетъчно / сателитно GPS проследяване

През месец май, 2023г. се отбелязва 70 Годишнината от 1вото изкачване на най-високия връх на света, и ние българите можем да направим ново постижение над върха на света тогава.
През 2019г, света видя това, което никога не е виждал – Върхът на света претъпкан от хора и имаше 11 загинали… но ние българите можем да направим това, което ще промени света на…
В този контекст, за 20 Годишнината от 1вото изкачване на най-високия урбанистичен връх на света до края на 20ти век и началото на 21 век, можем да направим нова Серия от световни рекорди в авиацията и на супер високи сгради. Надяваме се до следващата година, да имаме и българско участие в сигурността с новите технологии.

The most danger workplace on Earth!

The most dangerous workplace on Earth!

You can climb the peaks of the world and come back alive. But if you climb the exterior of the Antenna Mast of the CN Tower unprepared, you will be fried by the MW radiation from the TV broadcast transmitter. First your blood will boil, then your brain, your eye pimples and your testicles.

We are a one-of-a-kind agency with a long time experience on solving cost effective problems, safety and innovation. We are pioneers in unconventional aerial, high-rise, extreme remote access and rope rescue services. Our reputation was built by completing some of the most challenging remote access projects in a high-rise environment and heli operations. One of them is the first exterior repair at 450-500 meters during winter extreme conditions and winds above 60km/h

Our founder Ivan Kristoff was tasked to provide the very first special rope access services at high altitude for the world’s tallest building and free standing structure in 2003.

For this project, his focus was on safety, innovation and solving cost effective problems. It was the most comprehensive extreme remote high rise access services on the planet.

The work was completed in the most challenging environment (RF exposure) ever experienced in the rope access industry, during winter extreme conditions and winds above 60km/h.

Up there, he solved the near 30 year’s dilemma of who would be the first one solve the problems with the highest structure in the world.

I was the first man, who solved the problems and provided the best solution how to rig the system. I had to cut the N/W/E/S hatches at the base of the Antenna mast and work with my own High-rise Emergency Response Plan… I don’t want to be so direct, neither to brag, but I had to set the Rules of engagements and complete solo the job, years before Can-USA got there.

I set up a system, so that could extract me remotely if I become immobilized due to the severe conditions in the upcoming final stage, that was forecasted to be brutal.  Too bad that the brave and tough rope access techs got scared up there, where thing got tough:) At that day, I was in a one-of-a-kind situation, when the only person in the world who can help me was only me…

For the record, since I was the first person in the world, who had to work at that height and on the tallest tower at that time, I was given the Green Light to pass on  Red Light by the “Powers that Be” – the Canadian government. When I had a meeting with the Almighty Top engineer of and Ontario Ministry of Labor, who govern the By-laws of any suspended work in the region and showed my unique for Canada High-rise Emergency Aerial Response Plan, she said to me:” Ivan, up there, there is no one to inspect you. We don’t even want to know what you are doing there. Only if you make an accident, we will go after you with the full force and ‘sue the Hell out of you”. I laughed: “If anything goes wrong, you could not event be able to pick all pieces of me…”


The Idea Generator

Ice, wind, cold… 

”The icy blast was sometimes so violent that I was blown away from the side of the building. Overcoming the pain from hitting the wall a few times and summoning more strength to continue my work, there was no question of giving up my assignment. Not even taking a break. Only a few pills to reduce the pain. The job had to be completed regarding the obstacles.

You lick your wounds, you wipe out the blood from your face and keep going.

These are the moments, when I feel intimately linked in a personal and brutal struggle with nature. You can survive and thrive on the challenges ahead only if you remain your courage and determination intact. You think of nothing but achieving your goal. And when you are too busy to think, your instincts and character controls the situation. Sometimes safety is out of the window, achieving the expectations of my clients is always my priority.”

Extreme rope access operations at the Wonder of the Modern World

How to use the experience of climbing a 5555 meter tall mountain peak on a 555 meters urban high rise tower
Now, the highest building in the world is Burj Khalifa in Dubai, but there is no comparison for working in extreme winds, cold weather and dangerous environment at an elevation of 555 meters above the ground worst when the well scheduled job had to be completed earlier.

The Mission:  To complete successfully the first rope access work on the exterior of the inaccessible parts of the  tallest tower on the planet.

The Method: Pioneering new tricks and conquering new frontiers.

After an enormous effort, and despite lethal dangers, a Canadian high altitude and aerial rope access expert Ivan Kristoff  from Toronto, has completed emergency repairs on  the highest TV tower in the world.

Burj Khalifa is the highest building in the world (828 meters), but there is no comparison for working in extreme winds, cold weather and dangerous environment high up in the air. Things got worse when the well scheduled job had to be completed earlier.

Upon the request from management and the consulting engineers, who were supervising the job, Ivan had to finish earlier, but still paid the same amount regardless if he had to work less time. Even though this was convenient for him, Ivan declared that he will complete his mission within the new time schedule, without compromising the quality and expected results.

A lot of the time of the work at high elevation was spent on over safety and extra precautions for risk free vertical and horizontal access on the slopes of the tallest Antenna Mast in the world.  No one has ever dealt with the obstacles and challenges that Ivan Kristoff had to meet at such a high profile and confidential project before. Anything Ivan had to prepare for this job and conduct on the exterior of the Highest Observation Desk at this time, was well organized and monitored by the best professionals and the strictest standards for safety.

Now, things had to be revised. In order to fulfill his own expectation and complete the task within the limited time, Ivan drew in his vision what he calls “The Smart Risk line” before continuing his work progress. So far, Ivan exceeded the expectations for safety, higher and stricter even of these set by the Construction Occupational Health and Safety laws, set by the Ontario Ministry of Labor. He was secured by his higher attached rope, plus one extra line from the left, one extra line from the right and – believe it or not- one line from the back, attached to the lower part of the slope, where he was working. The forces of the winds, sometimes above 60km/h, were too strong to ignore.

You can figure it out for yourself, how many lines had to be adjusted for even moving one step in progress. A lot of time had to be wasted and a lot of energy had to be consumed from every movement.  But now he had to go easier and move faster. The time was clicking.

The Canadian Spiderman, as Ivan Kristoff is famous for in his hometown Toronto, now had to put his creative mind and innovative working procedures in full power. After working for over three weeks, for 18 hours a day, without a break, eating mostly fluid nutrition, protein shakes and energy drinks,  Ivan had to endure working on full throttle for the next 24 hours.  Not to mention the special pills he had to take against the sea sickness at this high altitude. That was the paradox, and as Ivan calls it the “Tower pathology” due to horizontal movement of a few feet of the highest antenna mast on the planet. If you have a difficulty to believe it, please go there and try to lift up one of your legs and see how long can you stand?

But nothing was new to Spider-man. Ivan had the experience of climbing 14 prior to that Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus, Europe’s highest mountain. Since then Ivan prepared himself for jobs and emergency response like this by flying with rescue pilots, and participating in sports like paragliding, skydiving, scuba diving, caving,  rock and ice climbing, motorcycle riding and any other extreme sports where simple things like breathing,  rigging and rapid response reflexes can be learned.

Innovation in Aviation

Vertical Rush – 555

Now, at this point Ivan Kristoff has become the first to complete the highest exterior repair on the world’s tallest tower. There was no margin for error with its steep ice-covered slopes and danger of falling icicles from above. The endless cold blowing wind was not making things easier.

The principal of Ivan Kristoff Communications Inc., also had to stay completely focused on the job and not drop any tools or equipment from the height of over 1500 feet.  Any falling object form this height would be a lethal weapon on the ground level, where people can pass by. Ivan was facing the danger of being blown away by the winds, which were at least three times higher than on the Ground Zero level. No high-rise maintenance work could ever compare to the unknown dangers of this experimenting project. Ivan was his own experimental animal. He could not learn form anybody’s experience and mistake, than his own. He was on the bleeding edge of pioneering new tricks and conquering  new frontiers.

For the high mountain expedition style work progress Ivan spent a total of 20 years in the vertical environment. Since the age of 10, he was introduced to the ropes by his friends – experienced cavers and alpine climbers. Two decades of freestyle climbing solo steep rocks, ascending solo high mountains and descending solo deep caves. It was the ultimate fringe experience for the multi-talented sportsman: “The stress and strain is overwhelming, and the life-threatening dangers are omnipresent on this tower.“

Some of the heaviest snowfalls in the world can take place in that part of the world, and once they were forced to shovel the snow like mad to stay alive before abandoning their campsite to flee to the safety of a snow cave. A few Canadian workers and a volunteer rope work stunt man died a few hundred meters down in the adjacent building, while working simpler rope and suspended access work. ”An experienced stuntman who plummeted 10 storeys to the floor of SkyDome failed to make a complete check of his equipment before the fatal fall”, wrote the Canadian News Digest.

Ivan was aware in detail of the lessons of these tragic accidents. That is why he did not allow any of his employees do the job.  He was the only one qualified and confident in his knowledge man for the right job with the right attitude for this altitude.  At the pinnacle of his career, working with the best professionals, and enjoying the harsh environment Ivan was pleased and happy to accept the nee challenge. Nothing was going to stop him for giving his best for the people who trusted him.

As Ivan recalls,” I am client and mission oriented person. In extreme situations and dangerous environment is where you put your professionalism on the test. How you think in the first seconds, when you get into scary situations and your life is on the line, will reflect on your course of action that will shape your life and career further.  When you face death defying problems at the height of near 500 meters above the ground, 50 feet blown away from the building and looking up at your frozen ropes, have to make split second decisions between slamming into the wall, or frying in microwave radiation, then you really learn who you are.  If you think first of the consequences for your clients, then the men who referred you for this job and the last thing for yourself – then your name must Ivan Kristoff or one-of-a-kind breed.  That is when I learned something that you don’t see in the action movies and comic books about Spiderman and his colleagues.”

What happened there for this vital 24 hours is a unique story, which Ivan will share one day with us in his upcoming book.  It was a trivial moment for him, when he had to pick up the internal line phone and calls the Management Office at around 23:50 o’clock and confirm that the mission is completed and the can turn on the radio transmission in full power.  That was just a few minutes before the forced deadline.

Ivan is proud of the Industrial dimensions of his endeavor: His company was the chosen contractor to summit the unexplored areas of the benchmark of Canadian construction and economy, and the first man to succeed in his dream of life “being up there, where I had to look up high when a was riding my speedy motorcycle” and be on “Top of the Urban World”, as Ivan described it.

Letter CN Tower

EXTREME HIGH REFERENCE AIR RESCUE | 15th Anniversary of the first rope access on the top of the tallest building in the world

20th Anniversary of the first rope access on the top of the tallest building in the world

CNnoframeAbsoluteThis year is the 11th Anniversary of the first space services on the exterior of the Antenna Mast of the world’s tallest building. In 2003, the CN Tower was the tallest structure in the world. Ivan Kristoff, a Canadian aerial and vertical access expert was hired to solve the problems on the top of the Wonder of the modern world at a height of 1815 feet and 5 inches.

For this reason, Ivan decided to work on a design for a series of Art Limited Edition watches and special parts fo1 and emergency response motorcycles. For more info: ivankristoff.com/fortis


Ivan Kristoff solved the 27 years old dilemma of who would be the first one solve the problems on the highest structure in the world – the most exclusive Canadian pride and engineering feat. His unconventional methods and focus on solving cost effective problems, safety and innovation made him the winner of this “one-of-a-kind world competition”. For more info: verticalrescue.com


CN10th@950-620x917Тази серия от концептуални фотографии е част от подготовката за предстоящата изложба по случай на 10-годишнината на първата височинна работа на най-високата сграда в света през 2003г.

През ноември, 2013, представихмр една уникална експозиция от фотоси на най-високите сгради в света. Творбите са подбрани от серии екстремни фотографии, които Иван Кристоф, опитно зайче на инженерите на супер високи сгради, прави от недостъпни за хората места.

Тази година e 15-годишнината на първата височинна работа на най-високата сграда и кула в света – Сиен Таур. През 2003 г. Иван Кристоф става първия човек в света работил над 500м височинна дейност с алпийски способи. Поради съображения за сигурност и високия статут на Кулата, тази дейност е извършена при пълна дискретност и пазено в тайна през последните няколко години.

 С разработването на D6 – най-модерния цифров SLR фотоапарат на Nikon до момента – се отбелязва 20-ата годишнина на едноцифрената серия D. С пускането пазара на D1X го купих с пулния му кит, направих екстремни снимки в екстремни ситуации в ледени условия от въздуха и станах член на елитния клуб на Nikon – NPS (Nikon Professiaonl Servises) с първите кадри направени от върха на най-високата кула в света тогава и смятам с новия D6 да направя една тестова екстремна фотосесия под вода и лед на това място

Хвърлете един поглед в бъдещето

Toва е новата некартирана територия за въздушно-височинно-въжени операции на върха на супер високи сгради. От тук се роди и започна концепцията за създаване и изграждане на най-елитния в света екип за въздушно-височинно-въжено спасяване на супер високи сгради.

Take a look into the future

This is the new uncharted territory for extreme vertical and aerial high-altitude rope access operations on top of super tall buildings. From here, the concept of creating and building the world’s most elite team for air-rope-rescue of super tall buildings was born and started with the concept of High Altitude Air Rescue Unit.


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Meet the First Brand Ambassador for the Fortis Swiss Watches

Extreme, Projects
The most dangerous workplace on Earth!, най-високата кула на света