FORTIS Brand Ambassador

  • Fortis Flieger Pro Chronograph

About This Project

Brand Identity and Brand EnhancementGreat power = great responsibility

Today is the International Volunteer Day and a very special day also for me, because Fortis, the world leader in Swiss watch making, chose me to be their Brand Ambassador. That forges our partnership and we can shape the future of vertical and aerial rescue by communicating the new concepts vertical rescue and vertical reference on super high rise buildings.

Fortis has over 100 year history and is an inventor of the very first alarm chronograph and has supported many world records, like the highest helicopter flight above mount Everest in 2002 and the highest record with a jet fighter in 1995.

For my brand Ivan Kristoff®, today is history, but with Fortis I promises you we will make history….

“I appreciate this honor more as a credit for the innovative concepts that I have to do for the rope access and aviation industry globally in the future, but also as an amazing recognition for Bulgaria, for my partners and friends”

As a teenager I found new areas and the Big gallery at the Big Balabanova Cave in Bulgaria. That was a very special emotion and experience as a young explorer and shaped my passion to explore new exciting domains that involve action. As a student at the University of Toronto, I stepped again when no man has stepped before, on the exterior of the top of the World’s Tallest Structure in 2003. Later I found the very first of its kind Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team. Now I developed the concept for a new type of rescue and with Fortis watch on my hand, I plan to introduce it to the world.

I grew up with the excitement of watching my homeland to be the sixth nation in the world to send a two cosmonauts to space and later watched the Fortis involvement and support of space expeditions and world records in the aviation.

Hello fans of extreme sports. This year we initiated an experimental project – The Fortis Experience. With fans and owners of Fortis watches, we flew over the Mountains in Bulgaria and we will invite you for the next flights as guests. During these events, whether it is flying with hot air balloons or hanging on the top of high vertical rocks, you are invited to participate in new ways for training of Air and Ground SAR (Search and Rescue) personnel.

We plan our next event to be on top of the vertical rocks in the Svoge region in Bulgaria. It will be either on the last weekend of November 2016 or on the 5th of December, the International Day of the Volunteers. We will keep you informed on the updates:)

Today In Bulgaria we celebrate Niko’s Day for every one who is named Nikolai… So here is one of them Lt. Niko, who is a great fan of Fortis and passed his latest Air Forces’ Survival training with the Fortis Pro Flieger Swiss Watch:)

PS: Some of the slides may need explanations, so pleas ask us anything.



Визията за спасяване в Булгария, която познаваме, ще бъде безвъзвратно променена.

Helicopter operations are quite expensive. Especially with external human hoist system and specialized training for aerial rescue. That is why Ivan Kristoff have initiated a specialized program for Heli Rope Access and a Charity.ForBulgaria with Fortis Swiss Watches that will subsidize the project

Simeon penev

The Fortis Experience with Scuba Diving

Our next filming will be with an Underwater and Underground Scuba Diving Exploration team and showcase how they provide a multidisciplinary training for rope access at extreme heights and depths.

With a young scuba diver Simeon Penev, we had an exciting experience on his yacht and underwater with the Forits Diver watch and Fortis Flieger Pro Chronograph (with the stainless steel bracelet). The purpose of the trip among the Halkidiki Islands was to check out some of the new scuba gear and Fortis Swiss watches, so that we are fully prepared for an exercise in the freezing water of the Seven Rila Lakes. Mony, as I nicknamed Simeon, showed a courage and stamina that I have not seen even in experienced mountain climbers who have climbed the highest peaks on Earth.

Simeon Penev is a 15 year old student in London, who dreams to study in Cambridge.


Първата добра новина за 2019

ScubadivingПървата добра новина за 2019


“Днес пристига цяла делегация от най-богатата страна в Близкия изток, за да търси водни спасители за спортни басейни там. Трябва да са до 36 години и владеят английски език. Срещата пред Комисията е на 5ти януари в София.
Надявам се, че не искам много: Ако имате читав познат, който не познавам, това предложение не само че важи и за него, но и се субсидира със спонсорски договор, за да го стимулирам с този подарък за Новата 2019. 
Това е часовника, който пристигна в България с една от култовите световни марки куриери, още преди Коледните празници, но както е нормално – българския им партньор тук, чак днес евентуално ще ми го докара, въпреки, че всички документации по митници, такси и други са платени и предоставени още миналата година…
Затова нека другите българи, като отидат навън поне да се научат как се работи експедитивно… 
Този път обаче искам подписан договор за коректност, което ще е част от Новия ми подход да гарантирам за хора, които не познавам.“, казва Иван Кристоф
Ivan Kristoff for Fortis

Здравейте фенове на екстремните спортове. Тази година стартирахме експериментален проект – The Fortis Experience. С фенове и собственици на часовниците Fortis, ние прелетяхме над планините в България и ще ви поканим на следващите полети като гости. По време на тези събития, независимо дали ]ще летим с балони с горещ въздух или висим на върха на високи вертикални скали, вие сте поканени да участвате в нови начини за обучение на персонала на въздушното и наземното SAR (търсене и спасяване), на върха на вертикалните скали  в България. Това ще бъде планувано за 5 декември, Международния ден на доброволците. Ще ви държим в течение за актуализациите:)

Вече лятяхме с лейтенант Нико, който е голям фен на Фортис и е предал последните си въздушни сили Обучение за оцеляване с Fortis Pro Flieger Swiss Watch:) 

Helicopter operations are quite expensive