what we do also at BuxtonHeights

Ivan Kristoff is building the Future of rescue with creating a new trend for the New Generations of Rescuers

“His investment in aviation and innovation is not only limited to developing new training programs and capabilities for the vertical and aerial rescuers and first-aid emergency responders. 

Ivan creates new investment trends in the rope access and rescue industry, rely heavily on the use of modern technology to upgrade High Angle and air rescue services, ensure the safety and comfort of all involved parties during ER missions and expand rope access operations by reaching new heights and achieving greater connectivity with the world.

His new investment will be in developing a Future Academy that will be the Rescue Hub for Innovation Forum and the Canadian Tower Residents for rope access technicians, trainers, emergency responders and lecturers. It will be the main office and training facility of the “Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team”, aka H.E.A.R.T. and the “Special Operations Service, aka S.O.S – both are non-profit organizations.

We will keep you posted on our project development .

Ivan Kristoff

As fan of Limited Edition Swiss Watches and Italian Scooters, Ivan has donated them to the S.O.S. team 

Pavel Kralev

A young enerpreneur, who will run the construction development and investment project.