A.I.R. Journalism

Before we create the most elite rope rescue team, we will create the very first Embedded Extreme Journalists that will document our process in the A.I.R. project. To achieve this mission we invite you in our Tournaments.

Special Thanks to the News Team of Bulgaria ON AIR TV

Extreme in the a.i.r.

Our focus is building community of innovators and people who will change the world. For the new film “A.I.R”, we are setting out to tell a story that is both pure entertainment and is grounded in reality.

Aerial Filming

Extreme Journalism

Embedded Extreme Journalism needs to be developed. We need a reporter, a journalist to test it, not to see that it’s not so easy … you think about thousands of things about the weather. Ivan Kristoff wants to make the first free rescue service in Bulgaria…

Living on the Edge