09 May Upcoming exhibition
Ivan Kristoff will present soon his unique images of his work at extreme heights. These photos have captured the element of danger of a series of innovative projects in Canada, USA and Bulgaria. Some of them show the first rope access work at the inaccessible areas of the tallest building in the world. They gives us a “bird’s eye view” of these operations. This perspective, gives the observer a unique view from an angle that captures a stunning picture of the vertical environment.
For the first time, Ivan will bring together this collection of aerial and remote access photography. This exhibition will showcase some of his achievements with Air Force Tactical Aviation Corps, Air Police and the Faculty of Fire Protection Engineering & Emergency Control.
This exhibition will demonstrate the technical accomplishments of men who have dedicated their life to achieve new heights in public safety and emergency response. These brave men have created new frontiers in the vertical world. Some of them have created new categories for “The Guinness Book of World Records” as part of their constant search for exploring new dimensions in emergency response and rescue.
Ivan Kristoff’s solo exhibitions around the world:
- University of Toronto, Hart House, Toronto, Canada
- Lionhead Golf and Country Club, Mississauga, Canada
- 24th Helicopter Airbase, Krumovo, Bulgaria
- At the Bulgarian Parliament, Sofia, Bulgaria
- At the Palace of Culture and Sports, Varna, Bulgaria
- Through the eye of the Spider, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Achieve new heights, Shoumen, Bulgaria
- “Driven by Heights”, Dubai, UAE
- “America is…”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Photo exhibition “Driven by Heights”
This exhibition is not just portraying the visible world of vertical access and helicopter rappelling operations at extreme heights. Rather, it depicts the hidden areas of extremely tall buildings, not accessible for the general public. Some of the designated areas for remote photography, where few of the photos were taken, are accessible only by a few men and the best professional rope access experts.
Special guests:
HH Shaikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority
HH Shaikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
WHERE: Presentation booth M103/104, Dubai HeliShow 2010, Dubai Airport Complex
WHO: Ivan Kristoff’s interests have aimed at blending new heights in photography with new dimensions in his vertical operations.
Ivan’s passion for helicopters, paragliders and motorcycles illustrates his never abiding focus on pursuing the element of danger. “I live to be challenged. I love pushing the extreme and living on the edge.” His photographs illustrate his motus vivendi. The photographs vividly exhibit how Ivan‘s love of mountain climbing and paragliding have resulted in breathtaking aerial photographs.
The secret of his success is the ability to never accept conventional thinking and traditional routes in achieving his goals.
As a member of the Nikon Professional Services (NPS), Ivan is among the international group of Special Nikon Photographers.
“America is…” Photo exhibition
“Америка е …” Фотоизложба
Изложбата, която носи заглавието “Америка е…”, съдържа снимка на Иван Кристоф, която показва американския рокерски начин на живот и продължи до 17 юли.
Снимката с американски и канадски мотористи е е заснета от Човека паяк по време на мото парада до градчето Рочестер, САЩ. Долната снимка е заснета от хеликоптер Eurocopter Daufin, по време на първото у нас тестване на въздушно видео наблюдение с 3G и 4G технологии. Снимките и видео сигнала бяха дублирани и прехвърлени в реално време във Виртуалния сървър, който ни бе предоставен от www.superhosting.bg
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