Filming for TV Channel

Rope Access Photography

Photo/Video reports on high-rise structures
You face tight deadlines and often can’t afford to wait even 24 hours to get your reports. To help you meet your deadlines affordably, we have made same day service standard!

Give us a call in the morning and you will have your report ready by noon on site. Our technicians can process the data even on the rope with a laptop, digital or video camera and digital communications. This will save you time and money, contrary to the conventional way of setting up swing stages and process the data back in your office.

We believe that there is more to service than just speed and low price. All data can be digitized on disk for further reference. As a leader in the aerial rope access photography, you can count on us to help you get your projects done on time and on budget.

We provide high quality pictures and video footage. We can show you live video reports in your office during our vertical operations.

All data and images can be output and digitally edited on CD ROM, slides, prints, paper layout, or videotapes.

Visual inspection and non destructive testing (NDT)
Since 1991, Ivan Kristoff’s rope access companies have conducted visual inspection on the exterior walls of buildings at high altitude. In fact, we introduced first mobile and wireless communications in remote areas and hard to reach places. We solved the problems with wireless video conferencing between professional engineers and rope access technicians at the tallest TV broadcasting tower.  When other contractors had difficulty and no results in conducting a video broadcast, with our know-how we helped the consulting engineers solve their problems, just by telling them to switch the radio frequencies. We have the extensive knowledge for cost effective simple solutions for big problems.

Wireless transmission of high-resolution photos
We offer wireless transfer of high resolution (macro /zoom) photo images and sound data to FTP servers and mobile computers.

By using a Camera Control component software, clients can control almost every aspect of the camera operation remotely from a computer. The camera can be operated either directly via wireless Modulite Remote Control Set or using the controls in the Camera Control window.

Verification of image authenticity
Our technical visual reports are guarantied for  verification of image authenticity.  We use Image Authentication Software, which enables the authentication of an image captured by the camera and can determine whether or not it has been altered since capture, verifying the image as well as information attached to it. Various code protections are employed to prevent alterations to the software program.

Cover shot of SpidermanMobile Computing and On-site Data transfer

Through the use of our advanced mobile computing laptops, digital/video/still cameras and communication devices, the client will benefit from our on site real-time technical reports and situation management. World renowned leaders in IT such as Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Acer, HP  and Itronix have provided their latest equipment to Ivan Kristoff for case studies, including:

  • The most rugged wireless notebook computer in the world. It exceeds military specs for drop, water resistance, dust and vibration. The notebook thrives in the most severe environments imaginable. With the innovative CRMA™ wireless communications, the notebook sets a new standard for ultra-rugged computing.
  • A portable recording system, which allows to preview events while still recording. This powerful system gives simple control of video surveillance and digital recording without complicated computer systems. See Toronto Computes Magazine cover page
  • A triple band mobile phone that brings it all together, combining wireless office, messaging and e-mail, Internet access, an MPEG4 video player, an advanced handheld device and a mobile video and digital camera.

Enjoy our 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and Technical Support.

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