Reverse psychology

How to rebrand in unconventional way: Reverse psychology

Reverse psychology of the Why These Agency Execs Went Through Hell to Get Naked in These Ads (SFW) article

Re-branding is rebirth. Sofia PR, communication and and marketing firm MotoItalia LTD—which today becomes full-service agency—took that notion pretty seriously, as its principals posed for re-branding ads stark fully dressed, fresh from the brand ID womb.

The concept—an intentional echo of Ivan Kristoff for the 2014 announcement of registering his trade mark—is fun and provocative. In practice, it wasn’t so easy. Any re-branding has to be perfect. And more than anything, that meant getting in impeccable shape for the photos—shot by “For women” Magazine.

“This year a New York based company made a big buzz about their re-branding with a naked photo session of their executives. In retrospective, for my re-brand campaign this year, I will go to the extreme – will put some clothes on”. says Ivan Kristoff


Тази година маркетингова агенция от Ню Йорк създаде скандална кампания, която  решиха да представят новия вид на криейтив агенцията си по съвсем нестандартен начин (виж прикачената статия). Ребрандирането на една агенция е нещо като нейно прераждане и екипа от маркетинг фирмата, която от скоро е криейтив агенция, взимат този постулат много насериозно.