Robinson 22


Writer / Director / Producer – Ivan Kristoff


Ivan Kristoff is filming extreme sports. For the next four seasons, the Bulgarian-born Canadian  visionary  artist who, among his professional activities, is famous for his hobby in extreme sports photography, will capture the element of danger in his new project “EXTREME”.  Inspired by Fortis Swiss Made watches, Ivan has decided to do a series of photo sessions and a documentary film on people who work for emergency services, tactical units and have fun in the extreme sports.

Ivan is an expert in high altitude rope access and aerial operations. On a professional basis, he is the owner of Ivan Kristoff Rope Access Work Inc. in Canada and a few companies in Bulgaria. On the volunteer side, he is the founder of the first volunteer urban high rise rescue team – the Canadian Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team (H.E.A.R.T.). Over the years he has developed strong relationship with brave men and women, who have devoted their lives to helping other people. Some of his friends have lost their own lives in attempt to save people and make our world a better place to live. As a contribution to their efforts and selfless humanitarian causes, Ivan will devote his time and efforts in showing some of the work and way of training of such interesting people.

The main players and real life heroes are emergency responders, pilots and volunteer rescuers. They will be shown in real extreme situations and, in which they rely on innovative systems that helps them to be more precise and effective during rope access in vertical and aerial operations.

The first photo sessions started last year with the assistance of photographer Dany Jordanov and art director Gergana Tsvetkova.  Together they produced an interesting 3D presentation of the environment and interesting photos with Fortis watches. Some of these photos appeared on the True Story  page of his official Equipment Sponsoring Partner – a Swiss made watch with unreached readability. With Holywood photographer Lazar Goushev, Ivan created an attractive photo session for his new project: The Forits Experience. 

As Ivan Kristoff says for his adventures and inspirations with the Fortis watches – “My watch is not just a watch. It’s a journey of discovery through riding, driving, climbing, sailing, flying and exploring.. That is why I decided to capture such moments in a series of mini documentary films, in which you can see how technology helps me to be much faster and efficient in time management when I am in working in extreme environment or a dangerous situations. The purpose of this project is to document various situations in which a first aid responder can use advanced technology in order to improve his timing and rapid response”.

Aerial and remote access photographer, Ivan Kristoff, has traveled the world to capture visuals in countries such as USA, Russia, Dubai, Hong Kong, and England on projects ranging from Discovery Channel documentaries to short commercials. As a new filmmaker, Ivan seeks to combine his passion for extreme sports and activities with powerful story telling. This was most recently recognized by a watch company, inviting Ivan to become an executive promoter and Brand Ambassador for Swiss Made professional watches.

Ivan is writing, directing and producing “SOS-5” in the narrative category. “SOS” sequence will be filmed on locations in USA, Canada, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Bulgaria. In five sequences, the film will tells the story of Ivan Kristoff’s experience with local emergency services personnel. One of them is with the New York State Park Police in Niagara Falls, where Ivan was responsible for the safety of the Discovery Channel TV crew.

Ivan has studied IT communications in the University of Toronto and Cinema & TV Production in the New Bulgarian University.

TV documentaries for  Ivan Kristoff:

For more information see:
A.R.T.Vision (Aerial Rescue TeleVision)
Academic Research TeleVision


Ръководител на проекта  A.R.T. Vision TV (Aerial Rescue TeleVision)

Иван е управител на сдружение “Специализиран отряд за спасяване. Aвтор e на множество статии в областта на безопасността на дейността в индустриалното работене с алпийски способи и високо строителство, както и лектор на редица български и международни форуми в сферата на въздушните и височинни въжени операции.

През последните няколко години Иван Кристоф работи като рекламно лице на водещи марки компютри, и спортни марки дрехи. Той става първия български Еxlusive Promoter за швейцарска марка часовници. Тази година Иван е посланик на марката Трейсър. Неговата успешна работа допринася затова марката да бъде представена успешно по света и в Арабския свят – пред Коронованите Принцове на Дубай. От  2007 година Иван е рекламното лице на NIKE за България

В практиката си има многобройни рекламни и PR кампании.

Иван Кристоф е следвал в Университета на Торонто при световно признатите специалисти по ИТК и семиотика – проф. Микелучи и проф. Данези. В момента Иван работи по проекта Academic Research TeleVision съвместно с преподаватели и студенти от департамента Масови Комуникации към Нов Български Универитет.