About This Project
Aerial Photography and acrobatics with Piper
Angel Angelov is an airplane certified pilot who flies Piper Pa-38 Tomahawk (the only model in Bulgaria). As a photographer he captures breathtaking photos over Bulgaria from his seat in the cockpit.
The photos above were captured in the region of Montana, Bulgaria when Angel and Ivan Kristoff flew near the Erden Airfield. They were scouting the location for their new web TV Series “#ForBulgaria”, which will be part of the Fortis Experience Project.
In addition to being a recreational plane pilot, Angel Angelov calls himself an “adventurer, and admirer of Fortis Swiss Watches.” The pilot shoots with a Nikon camera.
About Piper Pa-38 Tomahawk:
Регистрация LZ-MEC
Единствен в България
Един пилот + един пасажер
Макс продължителност на полета 4 часа (плюс 1 час запас)
Възможност да видео заснемане с GoPro
Ангел Ангелов е сертифициран пилот (PPL)
Има над 300 часа, от които 250 на тази машина