The new face of Notre Dame

What if… what happened in Notre Dame, happened in Sofia???

In Sofia, one helicopter company had a KA-32 helicopter that with the right equipment would “spit” a special chemical component that would envelope and isolate the fire very precisely.

Church restoration is pretty serious work and with the new technology is more fun….For sure the French people will put all their heart to restore to new heights their great piece of art and expression of God’s design. C’est la vie.

I was one of the pioneers in the industry to digitize all my work last century. Now, in the New Millennium, we are lucky to have a VR experience and be able to create a Virtual Notre Dame,

It will be very interesting yo see what was the cause for the fire at Notre Dame and is it because this masterpiece had to burn because of a workers mistake and negligence.


It's all about leadership. We need to spend not only money, but time. We have the expertise and we know how to do that. We may need to do wrapping...``

High Rise Emergency Rescue

Was a specialized aerial firefighting and chemical spit injection possible for the fire at Notre-Dame?

The use of flying water tankers to extinguish the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral is not an option, French officials said on Monday night. The weight of the water could cause the entire structure to collapse. Neither the wind downdraft would be a good thing, unless there was a High Reference flying, but there was a special solution to use a chemical compound, spit like a spider web from a helicopter. With the GM of an aviation company, we were in discussions to use one of their helicopters for aerial rescue in Bulgaria, because they had the technology for these kind of scenarios that would captivate the area were their shooting gun would ‘spit” the chemical compound. Unfortunately they sold their KA 32 helicopter and this kind of system, so we did not discuss this topic further.

Now this might have been the solution to the Fire at the Address Hotel in Dubai and the burning high rise in London, and what if the happened on a super high rise??? #AddressHotel, #BurjKhalifa


Готови ли сте за такъв пожар в България?

Какво ще стане, ако случилото се в Нотр Дам се случи в София ??? Църковната реставрация е доста сериозна работа и с новите технологияи е по-забавно… Със сигурно френският народ е помислило за дигитализацията на визуалното и изащното си изкуство и ще вложи цялото си сърце, за да възстанови до нови висоти и по нов начин  своето велико изкуство и израз на Божия дизайн. Такъв е животът там. C’est la vie.

Бившият американски президент Барак Обама пише за пожар от Нотр Дам: “Нотр Дам е едно от най-големите световни съкровища … В природата ни е да оплакваме, когато видим, че историята е загубена – но също така е в нашата природа да възстановим за утре, толкова силно колкото можем.

Това е снимка от височината на която би зависнал един хеликотер от Въздушната пожарна на Дубай, за да погаси пожар на висока сграда със специална технология, методология и летатлена техника. Това не е Нотр Дан и вече няма да тъгувам за него, защото шом Премиера Борисов е пратил подкрепа,.французите ще изградят наново своята катедрала. … Обаче за България, за да можем да се правяме и с много по-малки пожати, много работа ни чака.


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Going lateral with the #bell 429 helicopter near #burjkhalifa. My #fortiswatch was just a reference point for the #weneedmorespace mission

Публикация, споделена от Ivan Kristoff (@ivankristoff) на