The new world record I will set will be in the summer of 2020. This will be the highest negative G-Force record ever. A very difficult and heavy record in which I make figures in the air with a very high negative load on the limits of the capabilities of the aircraft and human aerobatic endurance.
Today we are launching a new section for Pilots in our Extreme News platform, in which you can read about exciting Bulgarian men with whom you can fly and have fun in the air. Write us if you are a pilot and want to share exciting news and photos. Today we present you Capt. Kalaydzhiev who plans to set a new world record for -G Force.
A.I.R. – A new initiative for Aviation | Innovation | Rescue
Training for vertical rescue and aerial rope access on high rise rooftop needs careful planning due to stronger wind and lack of depth of field. That is why we reach out to pilots, who are extreme sportsmen and have a vast know-how on extreme training and timekeeping. Our friend Lt. Niko is one of them.
Ivan Kristoff and Lt. Nikolay Ivanov Kalaydzhiev, a pilot in the Air Force of the Republic of Bulgaria, are teaming up to work on the A.I.R. project. On June 11, 2016, during the Bistrica A.I.R. the two men met for the very first time and exchanged their hot passion for skydiving, the extreme sports and innovative projects – to do what no one has done before. Ivan was a paragliding pilot and Lieutenant Kalaydzhiev is a Junior Pilot in the 2nd Aviation Unit of the transport-landing squadron of 16th Transport Aviation Group, which is in the staff of Aviation Base. Both will train together in a new way and join forces to achieve their goals – excel in their endeavors and improve the training and methodology for aerial rescue. That will be achieved through innovative projects and implementation of the new technological achievements.
In his Letter of Recommendation of March 28th 2015, Major General Rumen Radev, Commander pf the Bulgarian Air Force wrote: “Lieutenant Nikolay Ivanov Kalaydzhiev has 75 flight hours on military aircraft. He has also excellent marks form flight training checks. His level of training as follows: zone simple and complex flying at medium height, zone simple flying at a low height, zone simple flying in an incline plane (skew flying ), a flight along a route at low and average heights, flight via equipment and skydiving
Lieutenant Nikolay Ivanov Kalaydzhiev has the ability to execute coordinated compound motor activities. He is able to fix and estimate several aircraft signals and indications and to take the right decisions for the most precise maneuver in a short period of time. Up to now he definitely controls the aircraft in an excellent way. His level of Endurance and standing G-force is very high. Nikolay is in excellent sport condition, which he supported his abilities, regarding his vestibular resistance in a dynamic environment.
Lieutenant Nikolay Ivanov Kalaydzhiev has completed his university studies in Plovdiv University “Paisiy Hilendarsky” specialty “Mathematics and Informatics” and National Military University “Vasil Levski” – Faculty “Aviation” with “Aviator-Pilot” specialization. His Mathematical education gives him serious advantages in performing complex flight activities. He is diligent, innovative and focused in his studies and work, He is willing to develop his life on the basics of real achievements and abilities. He can overcome hinders, lead both by his ambitions and his capabilities. Achieving goals is one of the main life drivers for lieutenant Kalaydzhiev. He wouldn’t let hinders and difficulties to discourage him in achieving his goals.
He is quickly adapting to the conditions and a team-working person. He is creative and responsible. His colleagues respect and trust him.
Lieutenant Nikolay Ivanov Kalaydzhiev can perform movements with the exact amplitude, the defined speed and intensity, in the tempo and rhythm required in order to be most precise in piloting. These are skills requisite for pilots and cosmonauts, who fly on contemporary aircraft.
His outstanding skills in aircraft piloting, his deep knowledge in aggregates; limits, mechanism and functioning, his very high psycho-physical training and his personal characteristics are the reasons why I recommend him for the third Bulgarian cosmonaut.
Ст. лейтенант Николай Калайджиев, пилот на ВВС
Опасен за здравето световен рекорд
Николай Иванов Калайджиев е пилот, който през лятото на 2020 година ще постави рекорд на Гинес за най-голямо отрицателно претоварване със самолет. Януари месец 2018 година придоби своя бривет. Рекорда, който ще постави е много тежък и труден ще лети на предела на възможностите на самолета и неговите физически възможности.
Рекорда които ще поставям ще е лятото на 2020год. Самия рекорд на Гинес е рекорд за най-голямо отрицателно притоварване със самолет. Много труден и тежък рекорд в които правя фигури във въздуха с много голямо отрицателно притоварване на предела на възможности на самолета и моите възможности.
Референция от Румен Радев, Президент на България
„Николай Иванов Калайджиев е пилот с изпълнен нальот от 75 часа на военни самолети и отлични оценки на проверките по летателна подготовка. Достигнал е ниво на подготовка: изпълнение на зона прост и сложен пилотаж на средна височина, зона прост пилотаж на малка височина, зона сложен пилотаж в наклонена равнина (коси фигури), полет по маршрут на малки и средни височини, полет по прибори и скокове с парашут.Лейтенант Николай Иванов Калайджиев притежава способността за координирано изпълнение на сложни двигателни действия. Умее за кратко време да намери и оцени едновременно няколко сигнала и индикации и да вземе правилно решение за прецизно управление на летателния апарат. По време на полетите, изпълнени до сега, отлично владее и управлява самолета. Има много високо ниво на издръжливост и понасяне на претоварванията. Притежава отлична спортна натренираност, която е развила способността му, свързана с устойчивостта на вестибуларния апарат в динамична среда.
Николай Иванов Калайджиев е завършил висше образование в ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски”, специалност: „Математика и информатика“ и НВУ „Васил Левски” – Факултет „Авиационен” със специализация: „Летец – Пилот“. Математическото образование му дава сериозни предимства при изпълнение на сложната летателна дейност.
Николай Иванов Калайджиев притежава умението да изпълнява движения с точната амплитуда, с определената скорост и интензивност, в необходимото темпо и ритъм, за точно толкова време, за което да е максимално прецизен в пилотирането. Точно такова умение е нужно за пилотите и космонавтите, които управляват съвременни летателни апарати.“
“Командир на Военновъздушните сили на Република България
Генерал-майор Румен Радев
„Николай Калайджиев е човек който знае какво може най-добре.
Умее да изпова уменията в летенето и даденостите си който притежава.
И иска само едно – Да покаже на света какво може.“
Иван Кристоф