This will be Ivan Kristoff’s tribute as a filmmaker and screenwriter. The project will start shooting in 2018 and will be the very first movie that is shot with innovative technology specially developed for the it and the rescue world.
Вие оставихте у мен толкова позитивно впечатление след като гледах Survivor Robinson, че за мен щеше да е голямо удоволствие да се запознаем лично... Вие оставихте у мен толкова позитивно впечатление след като гледах Survivor Robinson, че за мен щеше да е голямо удоволствие да се запознаем лично. .
Ния Апостолова, Маркетинг менажер
Аз съм напълно готов, обаче усещам, че май ще се превърнем в новина и ще успеем да се включим чак в Новините..., но важното е, че ще направим нещо за първи път в ефир, доколкото разбрах - двама репортери готови да задават въпроси чак от въздуха. Може би направо ще направим Рекорд на Гинес, вече потегляме и обещаваме да покажем картина от София, от високо за Новините...
Благой Цицелков
Нещо изключително важно, което ще заинтригува любителите на адреналина сред Вас с бънджи скок от топло въздушен балон и Закуска във въздуха" над София стартира таз годишния фестивал за нови технологии и иновации WEBIT EUROPE. На площадката, на която ще се предизвикат силните усещания., сега е Боряна Черганова а до нея е и Човека паяк - Иван Кристоф. А сега ще погледнем от високо, където Боряна Черганова и Благой Цицелков се готвят да скочат от балон. ... познахте, влязохте в НОВИНИТЕ... не скачайте все още, но ви благодарим за прекрасното началото на деня. Създадохте наистина изключително настроение а и както Вие самите казахте, нашите зрители ще могат да видят още кадри от високо.
Юлия Наева
Ние отново сме на площадката на която ще има много адреналин през днешния и утрешния ден. Ще има "Закуска над София". Ще се издигнем с този балон, който виждате вече е почти въздуха и от него не могат да се качат повече от трима души. Вече сме над земята, поне малко по малко се изкачваме.
Боряна Черганова
Мансур Алфеели, най-успялата кино звезда ОАЕ. Алфеели е у нас по покана на Човека паяк Иван Кристоф, за да участва в проекта "Сто лица на екстремните спортове". Идеята е да се подготвят журналисти за отразяване на събития в екстремни ситуации.
Иво Никодимов
Иван (Кристоф) и аз сме много добри приятели. Запознахме се... чрез общ приятел Боряна. Първо се запознах с него в Дубай. Знаех го като българския Спайдермен, Човека паяк. Виждал съм неговата работа и ми харесва и сега го подкрепям в този проект. Идеята ми харесва и се опитваме да реализираме този проект между България и Дубай..
Мансур Алфеели
Ivan kristoff is a very good friend of mine. I like what he is trying to do actually to represent Bulgaria and promote it outside. He is a good Ambassador as you can see for the country and as a person and represents a good image for Bulgaria.
Mansoor Alfeeli
The team is recognized and included in the database of 911 Emergency Services for urban high-rise rescue.
Canadian Property Management Magazine
HEART to the rescue… Highrise heroes ready to tackle any emergency”
Grant Cameron, Daily Commercial News
Ivan Kristoff's team is offering his expertise to emergency response teams in time of crisis and accidents.
Laura Di Battista, City TV
Our coverage begins with the exclusive footage of Ivan Kristoff, dangling from a helicopter...
Kate Wheeler, CFTO TV
Lives could have been saved if such a team existed...
Bill Trbovich, Evening News, Global TV
Today on Popular Mechanics we are doing a story called rappelling that goes over te overall theme of 'Life Saving'. How do you shoot rappelling? You shoot it from a lot of different angles. First of all, safety is the main thing. We are with one of the best in Canada in terms of rappelling and sports' safety. And, we have him hooked up with the different lines, so that nothing happens. He is a brave guy to go over the side. I could not even look, well along do it myself...
Sid Goldberg, writer/director
"Spiderman"Ivan Kristoff flies above Sofia and saves trapped people in burning buildings. At nigh he is watching the soccer game seating on the roof of the stadium, and after the fighting between fans, he brings them one by one to the police. This is not a scene from the film, but a real project, which started with the Metropolitan Municipality and hometown action hero Ivan Kristoff.
Standart Newspaper
In what he describes as a ” typical scenario for emergency response and rapid deployment of rescue personnel to inaccessible areas,” Ivan Kristoff, demonstrated an aerial emergency response with a helicopter last week at Lion head Golf and Country Club, where Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman held his 11th annual Mayoral Charity Golf Tournament.
Daily Commercial and Construction News
Ivan Kristoff, aka Spiderman, has initiated and committed to the development of this project. The wireless video monitoring from the air, will provide online contact between the emergency services and rescue teams. The helicopter will be equipped with remote camera control photo and video equipment. The visual materials can be used to train rescue teams in an innovative training program, called trailblazing.
Ivan effecttue aussi des missions de sauvetage a titre benevole et exploite une entreprise qui le mene a de tres grandes hauteurs. Il escalade des gratte-ciel et d’immnses tours bureaux pour effectuer des travaux de reparation et des inspections a des centaines de metres du sol ! Ivan est recemment redescendu sur terre, juste le temps de repondre a quelques questions pour l’equipe de Planete 912
Planete 912 Magazine
يضم قطاع البحث والإنقاذ الجوي وعمليات الاستجابة للطوارئ، هذا العام أسماء عالمية سيشهد الحدث في دورته الخامسة للعام 2012، حضوراً للطيار الدولي والمختص في عمليات الإنقاذ في المباني الشاهقة، والخبير في العمليات الجوية والإنقاذ بالإسقاط المروحي بواسطة الحبال، إيفان كريستوف، والملقب بالرجل العنكبوت الجديد الذي كرس وقته إلى القضايا الخيرية عبر دعمه لوحدات الإنقاذ الطوعي والمبادارات المتعلقة. سيقوم كريستوف خلال فعاليات معرض دبي لطائرات الهليكوبتر، بالشرح عن مساعيه وجهوده مع فريقه المتفاني، في تأسيس الشبكة الدولية للإنقاذ المروحي “آي في إيه إن”. كما سيعقد ورشة عمل حول الطاولة المستديرة مع أكثر من 30 خبيرأً، بغرض تبادل الأفكار حول عمليات إنقاذ الأشخاص في المباني الشاهقة الإرتفاع، بهدف تحديد المعالم الأساسية للمنافع العملية لوسائل الإنقاذ. فعاليات
حضور دولي
Ivan Kristoff has a new volunteer rescue team of rope access technicians with knowledge in rigging, rope rescue, first aid, communications and bylaw
Nikolina Menealo, The Villager
The first highrise rescue team: "Ivan Kristoff is organizing North America's first highrise rescue unit. He is the only person ill Canada to apply the use of laptop computers, digital and video cameras oil rope, resulting in a completed report by the end of the drop
Nelia Raposo, Town Crier
C.R.E.S.T. is recognized and included in the database of 911 Emergency Services for urban high rise rescue.
Canadian Property Management Magazine , B. C. Edition
The Canadian Rescue Emergency Service Team (CREST) is a privately funded, not for profit voluntary organization dedicated to enhancing public safety and saving lives through rescue and safety education
Canadian Property Management Magazine
MISSION POSSIBLE: "La couverture de ce mois ci a ete cree avec Ivan Kristoff.
Quebec Micro
Life in the extreme: "in every thing Kristoff does, from extreme skiing, solo rock climbing, as a paraglider pilot, a rescue instructor, even as a photographer hanging high in the air by ropes suspended from helicopters. the element of danger is part his everyday life. In 1991, with a false passport, new name and two different airline tickets for the same plane to Cuba, Kristoff escaped from the communist regime. Two days latter he was in Gander, Newfoundland.
Prof. Robert Welsh. the Athlete
Kristoff who speaks six languages and holds a machine engineering degree,... is popularly known as Spiderman because of his uncanny ability to perform work at high altitudes,..
Stephen Erwin, CBC NEWS Live
Living in a vertical world: "While Silvester Stallone and company play the game on the silver screen'. Kristoff s adventures come from real life situations. ...(CREST) is billed as the most clite Urban Highrise Rescue Unit in the world. Known as the highest qualified rope access work technician in North America ` Kristoff has been in the vertical world for more than 12 years. The days of his calendar are marked off with dangerous assignments.
Judi McLeod., editor Our Toronto Free Press
Spiderman... on a wall near you: "The unique perspective he gains of Toronto by dangling, off highrise buildings, is nothing compared to his personal climb to the top... As provincial government official Norman Richardson understated it: Ivan's quite a character... Kristoff s input is significant.
Steve Payne, Toronto Sun
"We want to introduce you to Ivan Kristoff. He is trying to make high rise work places safer from the outside. And he showed us how this morning..."
Laura DiBatista, CityPulse News
"...Rescuers would help people in very specific dangers. Dangers that would involve High Altitude rescues from buildings or stuck in the elevator shafts."
Ron Izowa, Evening News, CBC TV
“Lives could have been saved if such a team existed..."
Bill Trbovich, Evening News, Global TV
“Spiderman… has been working with the Ministry of Labour on guidelines for high-rise rescue... He is acknowledged expert in the safe use of ropes for rescue"
Lorne Matalon, CBC TV
"Our coverage begins with the exclusive footage of Ivan Kristoff, dangling from a helicopter..."
Kate Wheeler, CFTO TV
Spiderman… has been working with the Ministry of Labor on guidelines for high-rise rescue... He is acknowledged expert in the safe use of ropes for rescue.
Lorne Matalon, CBC TV – Canada
Pauline Chen, World Beat News, CFTO TV
“Ivan and I are very good friends. We met through a common friend Boryana. I first met him in Dubai. I knew him as the Bulgaria Spiderman. I have seen his work and I like it, and now I support him in this project. I like the idea and we are trying to realize this project between Bulgaria and Dubai.”
Interview with Ivo Nikodimov, Bulgarian National TV
“We are again on the site of which there will be a lot of adrenaline during today’s day. There will be “Breakfast over Sofia”. We will rise with this hot air balloon, which is in the air and cannot fly with more than three people. We are already above the ground, at least a little while we climb.”
Live from the air with Ulia Naeva, Bulgarian National TV