02 Apr In the News
“Ivan Kristoff in perspective” BNT TV
Here is example of the Middle East press releases for the introduction of the Eiger H.E.A.R.T. in Dubai: arabianaerospace.aero
Ivan Kristoff, the founder of EIGER Rope Access Work Inc., will be holding his workshop around the world, which will present the study of the High rise Emergency and Aerial Rescue Team (H.E.A.R.T.), which played an important role in the development of safer standards for rope access work within high-rise construction and building sites in Ontario, Canada and he will also showcase how EIGER has helped drive the industry in creating a specialized urban high angle rescue unit. Kristoff noted the importance maintaining high safety standards within the industry and improving its overall structure:
“Safety within the medical helicopter industry is paramount. Each aspect of the process requires significant investment in both infrastructure and staff training,” said Kristoff. “At this year’s Helishow, we will be showcasing how we are looking to take our industry forward. Our workshops will be streamed online through a live video conference, which will give emergency services personnel a realistic view of prompt rescue on difficult to access, high elevation locations.”
“Our coverage begins with the exclusive footage of Ivan Kristoff, dangling from a helicopter…” – Kate Wheeler, CFTO TV
“Kristoff is one-of-a-kind trouble shooter. He is a man who uses his skills to help people in some serious danger.” – CBC TV
“He will rappel from a helicopter 2000 ft. in the air. Ivan is an old hand at this stuff.” – Lane Fraser, News Beat Today, CFTO TV
“Ivan is well trained and versatile and versatile. He has been doing this all over the world. Death defying and life saving…” – City TV
“His team is offering his expertise to emergency response teams in time of crisis and accidents.” – Laura Di Battista, City TV
“Ivan and his team are the top high-rise rescue technicians in Canada.” – Pauline Chen, World Beat News, CFTO TV
“Spiderman… has been working with the Ministry of Labour on guidelines for high-rise rescue… He is acknowledged expert in the safe use of ropes for rescue” – Lorne Matalon, CBC TV
“Lives could have been saved if such a team existed…” – Bill Trbovich, Evening News, Global TV
“Eiger HEART to the rescue… Highrise heroes ready to tackle any emergency” – Grant Cameron, Daily Commercial News
“North America’s foremost aerial rescue expert, Kristoff is the founder of the Eiger Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team, a non-profit organization whose aim is to “minimize lose of life and increase the safety of the public.” – Bayvuew Post
“Ivan works at improving standards for high-rise work. His major concern is safety” – Mike Beggs, Mississauga Business News
“High Wired! With a laptop, Kristoff can do a week’s work in one day.” – Mara Gulens, editor Toronto Computes, Computer
“He climbed up a high-rise building recently to demonstrate the technique which uses a winch and steel cable. Kristoff was training a Metro Police officer with it as part of a special rescue team he has formed.” – Kim Goodman, The Mirror
“He uses digital cameras on the rope, resulting in a completed report by the end of the drop.” – Nelia Raposo, Town Crier
“High-rise rescue pioneer Ivan Kristoff takes safety to new heights: The first of its kind in North America.” N. Toronto Post
“The team is recognized and included in the database of 911 Emergency Services for urban high-rise rescue.”
– Canadian Property Management
“…Rescuers would help people in very specific dangers. Dangers that would involve High Altitude rescues from buildings or stuck in the elevator shafts.” – Ron Izowa, Evening News, CBC TV
“Climbing off the city’s rooftops has given the Bulgarian Spiderman a unique perspective on safety.” Daily Commercial News
“As provincial government official Norman Richardson understated it: Kristoff’s input is significant.” – Toronto Sun
“Kristoff has a tough way of making a living. He hangs off high-rise buildings, inspecting walls, doing renovations and sometimes even taking rescue operations.” – Jean Carter, CBC Radio 740
“Spiderman organizes high-rise rescues: Rescuing people who are stuck on high floors where fire departments and the police cannot get to them.” – Angela Altass, editor Condominium
“It was Mr. Kristoff who got the call from the building’s consulting engineer, because his innovative concepts save time, money and headaches.” – The Globe and Mail
“His feat was filmed to be shown to specialists in the USA and Canada.” – Reuters