Using the most up-to-date technology and equipment, Kristoff can be spotted doing repairs at two hundred feet, surveying the building for damages, setting up video surveillance paraphernalia and doing any number of exterior installations.
Del Condominium Life Magazine, Spring/Summer 2002
by Jonathan Orson,
One of the hardest jobs in building maintenance is making sure that the exterior of our condominiums are in perfect shape throughout the year. Any areas of potential water penetration must be addressed quickly to avoid damage. This reparation proves to be a very tough task. But it’s all in a day’s work for Ivan Kristoff.
The thought of being suspended over thirty stories high, secured by a rope and a belt makes most of us weak in the knees, but it makes Ivan excited to get out of bed in the morning. this 33-year old, who resides in Etobicoke has been at our service for 3 years now. Whenever there is something out of arm’s length, his services are called on. in fact, Ivan’s name and number can be found in Mayor Mel”s Rolodex!
Using the most up-to-date technology and equipment, Kristoff can be spotted doing repairs at two hundred feet, surveying the building for damages, setting up video surveillance paraphernalia and doing any number of exterior installations. He truly is fearless. A former member of the Bulgarian Army, Ivan feels just as safe suspended in the air as he does on the ground, if not safer!
Ivan is founder of the Highrise Emergency Aerial Rescue team (HEART), an independent non profit, professional high rise rescue team. Helping this organization, he can assemble a team of fellow specialists and be prepared for anything from a simple demonstration to rescuing stranded window cleaners. When his services are not being called on,he can be found training others to administer first aid in those “hard-to-get-to” places.
Del Property Management has contracted HEART for emergencies like the time roof flashing on a building had started to blow around in extremely strong winds during a winter storm. And when icicles had developed on the exhaust vents of a building.This could have endangered the lives and safety of the residents and the public.
With the growing number of condominiums being erected in the Greater Toronto Area, Ivan is flooded with calls, as our city is running low on both window washers and exterior repair specialists. You won’t find his company advertising trade or the yellow pages; the demand for his work delivers from word of mouth and recommendations.
You can usually find Ivan hanging around condominium and other complexecheking theplaster and the bricks for damage or touching up the paint. His hands may be covered in grout, but he truly is a sight to see, albeit a bit uprising if you live above the second floor. Being a “fly on the wall” goes beyond expression for Ivan. It’s his life.
Ivan is organizing an event with Mayor Mel Lastman for the 10th Anniversary of Mayor Mel’s Charity Classic on September 3 and 4. To learn more about this, his plans for the Guinness Book of World Records and more services he provides, check his website