02 Apr Community commitment
Social Responsibility is an essential value for Ivan Kristoff. In his business, he considers Corporate and Social Responsibility as a significant way to utilized his resources, employ team member energy and passion in order to generate a meaningful change. For this reason he has started a lot of initiatives for the vertical and aerial world of suspended access and rescue operations. From organizing and sponsoring volunteer rescue teams and Club EXTREME for the New Bulgarian University, Ivan continues to develop new projects for other organizations.
CLUB E.X.T.R.E.M.E. is a studEnt’s eXtreme Team for Rescue, aErial and Maritime Emergency. You can join the team by contacting us and follow the club’s fan page facebook.com/ProjectExtreme
Ivan Kristoff, currently is creating the International Vertical Access Network (I.VA.N.) “My name is my Mission: To create a network of innovative initiatives for the vertical and aerial world of rescue”, says I.V.A.N. Kristoff. He is aimed at maximizing safety and reducing human suffering and property damage to the construction and building management industry. Further he sponsors and helps various government and volunteer organizations involved with Emergency Response and Rescue.
In support of the Climbing Community – sponsoring the Bulgarian expedition
In the summer of 2006 г., Major Petur Prodanov from the National Secret Service climbed highest peak in the Alps Mt. Montblanc (4810.). Ivan Kristoff supported this climb with providing media coverage, specialized clothing, climbing equipment, medical provisions, nutrition and vitamin supplements.
- Spiderman backs up gen. Boiko Borisov for mayor
- Gen. Boiko Borisov for Ivan Kristoff
- With Gen. Boyko Borisov (Prime Minister of Bulgaria)
- Човекът паяк брани София със Спецотряд
- Иван Кристоф представен от Ген. Борисов
Българска експедиция покори Монблан
През лятото на 2006г. Иван Кристоф спонсорира с екипировка и хранителни добавки подполковник Петър Проданов от НСО, който се изкачи на връх Монтблан (4810. метра.). Иван осигури още, медийна подкрепа и контакт със спонсори за тази експедиция.
Ivan Kristoff’ donates his time and emergency vehicles for a volunteer Search and Rescue organization
“Аз съм социално отговорен a компанията ми е с корпоративна стратегия за социална и менторска подкрепа на хора с временни или трайни увреждания и една от идеите ми е била да се намерят хора, които особено поради уникалната природна свойственост, могат да компенсират надделяването на даден сетивен процес с друг, е чудесна възможност за отразяване или дори менажиране на аудио визуална информация за доброволческо спасяване.”
SEARCH and RESCUE MOTORCYCLES: Suzuki DRX650 cc and Kawazaki 250KL
EMERGENCY AUTHORITY TRUCK: Nissan Xtera, 4×4, CRUISING SPEED: 180 km/h, Plate number: KRISTOFF
SCOOTERS FOR ER TRAINING: Gareli, models Capri, Ciclone, Comfort and Tiger