
D.R.A.W. THE FUTURE IN 2020 | Class-D Rope Access Workshop

A note from the Chairman

Ivan KristoffWe should constantly strive to challenge convention as we try to improve methodology in training and the efficiency of aerial emergency response. Success stems from the implementation of new ideas to turn the impossible into possible, and demonstrate that exciting possibilities are applied in reality. That is what the D.R.A.W. Workshop is all about.

Thank you to all our friends and partners from around the world for your continued support. It was a pleasure meeting many of you during Dubai Helishow 2010, 2012 and 2014, the largest Middle East helicopter show and at Intersec, the biggest trade exhibition for safety security and fire protection. We had a good time sharing many innovations with you, and we can look forward to the newest development in the helicopter industry and SAR.

There is a lot of knowledge that can improve aviation safety and emergency response efficiency. You are welcome to submit your topics and share them in this Video Conference.

Ivan Kristoff

Rope access Cn tower
Защо го правиш, какво ти дава?

Fire crews rescue building maintenance workers swinging in high winds downtown Edmonton, Canada…

In order to avoid that from happening again, please follow the solutions described in this video at 1:14 – 1:50

In 2020 we will introduce a new concept for rope access work and the Enhanced Rope Access Tech.

– Ivan Kristoff


0800 – 0900    Registration & Networking

0900 – Chairman’s Opening Address

0910 – Welcome & Opening Address

0930 – Keynote Address

Session One – Specialized Helicopter and Emergency Air Rescue Training – H.E.A.R.T.

1000 – New Initiatives in the Helicopter Industry – Speaker Ivan Kristoff, Founder of HEART, Canada


1020 – 1050    Refreshment Break & Networking

1050 – Creating a Highrise Emergency and Aerial Rescue Team (H.E.A.R.T.)

1110 – Innovative Applications and Technology for Helicopter Rappelling Operations


Session Two – Training Emergency Responders

1130 – Case studies of critical situations during helicopter rappelling training sessions

1150 – Aerial video and photo monitoring – Ivan Kristoff

1210 – Preparing for worst case scenarios

1230 – Question & Answer Session

1245 – 1415    Buffet Lunch & Networking


Session Three – Emergency Aerial Response

1415 – Civil and Military Air Medical Evacuation – H.E.A.R.T. Program

1425 – Bulgaria – the Challenge & the Need for Aerial Support – Ivan Kristoff

1445 – The New  Rescue Challenges – Highrise Emergency Aerial Response – Joint presentation of Ivan Kristoff and invited guest speakers


1505 – 1530    Refreshment Break & Networking


Session Four – Various Military and Police Air Wing Training Programs

1530 – The International Vertical Access Network’s Case Study Concerning Critical situations caused  by participants in helicopter training exercises – Speaker Ivan Kristoff, Founder of I.V.A.N., Bulgaria

1550 – Various Police Air Wing Training Programs


Session Five – Special Air Surveillance

1630 – Defending the border of the European Union

1700 – Showcasing use of advanced range of dedicated mission equipment for Air Surveillance –  S.A.S. Units