
A.I.R. Rescuer For A Day

What are the professions for the future of rope rescue and aerial operations will be the main theme of the A.I.R initiative. We aim to create the A.I.R Rescuer of the Future.

heli vertical rescue

Social Events

Experience the whole spectre of specialized training for the creation of the ultimate rescuer. From golfing to…
heli vertical rescue

The Adventure

Have fun while you experience our worlds of rescue: Extreme | Auto | Moto | Sea | Air | Land | Training
heli vertical rescue

The Promise

This project will redefine vertical rescue as we know it. You will see things that have never been done before.

The Art of A.I.R.

Our focus is building community of innovators and people who will change the world. For the new film “A.I.R”, we are setting out to tell a story that is both pure entertainment and is grounded in reality.