14 May Air Rescue in Bulgaria
S.M.A.R.T. (Simulator for Multidisciplinary Air Rescue Training) Development of Knowledge for Smarter Rescue Solutions
You are cordially invited to experience innovation for the Rescuer of the Future, at 16:00-18:00PM,on Friday, April 12th,2024.
На ОТВОРЕНИТЕ ВРАТИ на Умния дом-офис на спасителя на бъдещето, Бул. Братя Бъкстон 44, на 12 април, 2024г.,
Международния ден на авиацията и космонавтиката, бе представена концепцията за
Special Operation Services (SOS) is the pioneering non-profit organization dedicated to public welfare, spearheading the initiative to establish voluntary formations for urban high-rise and challenging terrain rescues, encompassing land, water, and air. The concept, pioneered by the founder of the volunteer formation, was introduced in Sofia through the first press conference attended by mountaineers from the Federation of Mountaineering and cavers from the Federation of Speleology.
In 1996, atop the Moscow Hotel in Sofia, the first technical public demonstration of high-altitude rope rescue operations simulated the evacuation of an injured woman using alpine methods. The objective was to acquaint society with the possibilities, potential, and benefits of volunteerism in risky situations, ultimately serving the community. This laid the groundwork for public demonstrations and educational programs of this nature in Bulgaria.
In the past three years, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, our organization has established two training facilities for volunteer rescuers in close proximity to mountains, water bodies, climbing terrains, and airstrips, facilitating swift response within the “Golden Hour” by land or air.
Soon, we will organize the first-of-its-kind “Flight of Mobile Mission Control Innovation,” aiming to garner global interest and corporate support to invest in volunteer creative initiatives in the most impressive manner possible. Through this project, we aim to introduce a new cultural sector dedicated to innovation and art in extreme sports, fostering in Sofia, dubbed the Digital Capital of Europe. We aspire to set new global records for Bulgaria, garnering the interest of international organizations, companies, TV productions, and media outlets to invest in creating new web episodes and TV series.
Special Operations Services (S.O.S.) is a public organization with a non-profit mission capable of executing extreme rescues in Bulgaria and beyond. The SOS team conducts training, exercises, and activities in first aid, evacuation, survival, pre-medical assistance, and aerial evacuation of casualties.
Established in 2005, our goals include popularizing volunteerism and promoting innovative rescue methods through forums, scientific presentations, awards, technical demonstrations, exhibitions, publications, and more. We maintain connections with governmental and non-governmental organizations, firms, and individuals at home and abroad, facilitating information exchange and influencing the development of vertical and aerial rescue.
Drone flight for u-space
Обучение за Търсене и спасяваване
In case of emergency
Бомбоубежище за спасителния екип
crane rope access in the air
Обучение за доброволци спасители
Achieve New Heights with the A.i.r. forum
Спасяване по вода
Спасяване по въздух
Спасяване по земя
Join the S.O.S. and H.E.A.R.T. Initiatives
The Specialized Rescue Association invites all those who wish to develop HEMS, a volunteer rescue team or support the volunteer activities in the field of effective pre-medical care, Search and rescue, and rehabilitation of lost or injured people in post-traumatic situations, to join us.
The HIGH-RISE/altitude EMERGENCY AIR RESCUE TEAM (H.E.A.R.T.) is a non-profit, informal organization with a focus on exploring new concepts for vertical and aerial rescue on super tall structures and hard to reach places on high rise buildings and high mountains.
The Special Operation Services (SOS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a focus on innovation and new projects that will improve the training of rescue volunteers in Sea-Air-Land rescue. Everyone is welcome to join us and discover a new world of adventures and special innovative initiatives.
Let's build our future together

We started the construction of the Home and the office of the Rescue Tech of the Future, at the bottom of Vitosha Mountain. The 5-storey building will have Workshops and RescueLabs for the production of specialized equipment for special operations, garages for emergency rescue SUV Nissan Xterra, specialized car Nissan Qashkai – ER patrol carfor Mobile SAR Support, off-road motorcycles and water rescue equipment. On the top floors will be the SAR Mission Rescue Lab and the Residential apartments of the Rope Access and SAR techs of the Future. AIR Traffic Control can be built on the roof with a direct visual panoramic view for flights of the nearby surrounding mountains in Sofia and its own airfield for drones.
Ground SAR
Within three years we can develop our full potential to build Training Bases, Coordination Centers and rescue hubs in the nearby area. We have already started the construction of the Home-office of the Rescuer of the Future in the Capital of Bulgaria.
Water Rescue
Next year we will have a new Coordination Center, where we can build a Water Rescue Base, 5 km. from a Lake and 20 km. from the farthest point of the Iskar Dam. We can build one in other places and the Black Sea coast.
Air Rescue
In developing good coordination and partnership with third parties, as well as in coordination with the government institutions that would support our idea of restoring the air rescue service in the Bulgarian civil aviation, we will build our helipad.
Our webTV Crew
We invite people to film our new Specialized AIR SAR Training and preparations for the Project Extreme: 0-303-0
S.O.S. Спец. отряд
Сдружение “Специализиран отряд за спасяване” (Special Operation Services – SOS) е първата доброволческа организация в България с нестопанска цел, посветена на общественото благо. Основната му мисия е да развива и представя инициативи за създаване на доброволни спасителни отряди в градовете и на труднодостъпни терени, както и в земята, въздуха и водата. Организацията стартира с първа публична демонстрация на височинно-въжена спасителна операция през 1996 г. в София. Оттогава насам, SOS извършва обучения, тренировки и спасителни операции, насочени към предоставяне на помощ и обучение по първа помощ, евакуация и оцеляване. Спец отрядът има за цел да популяризира доброволчеството и да развива иновативни методи за спасяване, като организира обучения, форуми и научни презентации. Освен това, SOS поддържа активни връзки с правителствени и неправителствени организации, както и с фирми и индивиди в България и чужбина, което му позволява да влияе на развитието на вертикалното и въздушно спасяване. Техният най-нов проект включва създаването на S.M.A.R.T. (Simulator for Multidisciplinary Air Rescue Training) за развиване на интелигентни решения за спасяване.