"Обединени за България" - #UnitedForBulgaria"

Achieve New Heights with The Future in Mind

This year will initiate the A.R.T. Project in UAE, Canada, Bulgaria and around the world, by filming a documentary film for innovation in aviation and extreme rope access work, with the theme “Achieve New Heights with The Future in Mind ”. Originally, the theme “Achieve New Heights in Video” was the very first global advertorial that Canon Canada Inc. made into a four page advertorial brochure about me and my early life as a Landed Immigrant wanna-be Canadian:) That was last century.
Now, in the new century, as a Bulgarian-born Canadian, I will extend the new version of that amazing theme “Achieve New Heights” and make a tribute to those countries, who are giving and supporting the well being of ex Refugee Claimants like me and even support their A.R.T. initiatives.
In the following portfolio, you will see how in Expo City Dubai, there is an opportunity to do LIVE or VR, the World’s First A.R.T. Forum from most of its iconic places and in the air.
So, I/we can take amazing photos/video, or just draw them digitally, as I will do on the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold – the first foldable computer in the world, and give the chance of refugees in Bulgaria and other countries to better their life and visual experience with art and much more…. So, via LIVE or VR broadcast with the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold, you will be able to see a new exciting world, with The Future In Mind.
"Обединени за България" - #UnitedForBulgaria"

Тази година ще започне A.R.T. Проект в ОАЕ, Канада, България и по света, чрез заснемане на документален филм за иновации в авиацията и екстремна работа с въжен достъп, с тема “Постигнете нови висоти с бъдещето в ума”. Първоначално темата „Постигнете нови висоти във видеото“ беше първата глобална реклама, която Canon Canada Inc. направи в четиристранна рекламна брошура за мен и ранния ми живот като приземен имигрант, който ще стане канадец:) Това беше миналия век.

Сега, през новия век, като роден в България канадец, ще разширя новата версия на тази невероятна тема “Постигнете нови висоти” и ще направя почит към онези страни, които дават и подкрепят благосъстоянието на бивши бежанци като аз и дори подкрепят тяхното ИЗКУСТВО инициативи.

В следващото портфолио ще видите как на Expo 2020 Dubai има възможност да направите НАЖИВО или VR, първият в света A.R.T. Форум от повечето му емблематични места и във въздуха.

Така че аз/ние можем да правим невероятни снимки/видео или просто да ги нарисувам дигитално, както ще направя на Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold – първият сгъваем компютър в света, и да дам шанс на бежанците в България и други страни да се подобри техния житейски и визуален опит с изкуството и много повече… Така че, чрез излъчване на ЖИВО или VR с Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold, ще можете да видите нов вълнуващ свят с The Future In Mind.

Wth the help of helicopters: Breaking, Huge World Record: Kristin Harila, the Norwegian female climber have successfully climbed Mt. K2 completing the “Fastest 14 Peaks” challenge in just 3 months and 1 day (92 days), in climbing all 8000m+ peaks.
I think that if I get helicopters, to fly me as high as possible within their insurance policy, I an do it in a month. Would anyone support such a cause for Extreme Rapid Aerial Access at extreme to showcase the efficiency and measure the accuracy of use different helicopter types?
Here is the AI answer:

While the achievement of Kristin Harila in completing the “Fastest 14 Peaks” challenge is commendable, attempting to break their record using helicopters to gain rapid aerial access raises several practical and ethical concerns.

  • 1. Safety: Climbing 8000m+ peaks is an extremely dangerous and physically demanding feat. While helicopters can provide aerial access to higher elevations, it doesn’t eliminate the inherent risks associated with high-altitude climbing. Flying at such high altitudes also poses additional risks to both climbers and helicopter pilots.
  • 2. Environmental impact: Utilizing helicopters extensively for high-altitude climbing would have a significant environmental impact. Helicopters consume a substantial amount of fuel and produce greenhouse gas emissions. The delicate ecosystems in mountainous regions are already vulnerable, and increased helicopter activity could disrupt wildlife and contribute to environmental degradation.
  • 3. Accessibility and ethics: Mountain climbing is often seen as a test of human endurance, skill, and perseverance. Introducing helicopters to gain quick access to higher altitudes could diminish the spirit of mountaineering and the sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering peaks through one’s physical and mental efforts.
  • 4. Accessibility for all: Rapid aerial access through helicopters would be accessible only to those who can afford it, potentially creating a divide in the mountaineering community. Mountaineering should ideally be an inclusive activity, accessible to people from diverse backgrounds and economic means.
  • 5. Official recognition: For a world record to be officially recognized, it needs to adhere to established rules and guidelines. The use of helicopters to gain an advantage in mountaineering might not align with the principles of recognized records and achievements.

Instead of focusing on extreme rapid aerial access for record-breaking attempts, it’s crucial to prioritize responsible and sustainable mountaineering practices. Aspiring climbers should aim for achievements that respect the environment, demonstrate human capability, and foster a sense of camaraderie within the mountaineering community. Additionally, promoting conservation efforts and raising awareness about the impact of climate change on mountainous regions could be a more constructive cause to pursue.


Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold и AI генерираха концептуална фотография на E.V.E.R.E.S.T. проект за Спасителя на бъдещето: Полет с хеликоптер за най-високия въздушен спасителен форум в света Тема: SAR-EMS-HEMS на голяма надморска височина

Тъй като симпатичната Кристин, не успя да направи рекорда за три месеца (а за съжаление, се забави с един ден, което едва ли биха й простили…) бихте ли подкрепили идеята българин (мъж, жена или…) да го направи за по-кратко време, като се наблегне обаче предимно на най-новите технологии, които имат отнощение към високопланинското въздушно спасяване?