08 Dec Порочна практика провали поръчката за хеликоптерите
Разковничето са липсата на адекватен опит и погрешната посока

“Само си представете колко човешки живота ще бъдат спасени, ако България закупи въздушните превозни средства. Понякога животът зависи от секунди или минути. Линейките идват за 30 минути или час, а в планината изобщо не идват. Хеликоптерът ще е при пострадалия за 5 минути. Според мен трябва да се отделят повече пари и да се купят тези жизненоважни машини.“, казва той.
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A malpractice botched the order for the helicopters
Translated by Google:
“In the many-year history of Bulgarian aviation, after the changes of November 10, 1989, work was carried out in the wrong direction and deliberate sabotage, so that some people could hinder their competition, and a new type of aviation cannibalism was produced, in which people with connections destroyed and they appropriated the business of others and the politicians were mainly interested in getting their fat commissions. There was no room for development in the right direction as is done in the world, just some people wanted to develop their profitable business to be financed by the state and they earn. And from the state side, they don’t support you if you don’t pay according to their insane conditions or expectations that special “benefits” will be offered to them. There were even unique schemes like ‘1,500 BGN for… , + BGN 1,500 for…, + BGN 2,000 for… is equal to BGN 5,000 per flight hour’, as well as … for over hundreds of thousands of BGN for air medical taxi services, which were paid in advance for emergency medical flights that were not and carried out. In this process of trying to develop and ultimately self-destructing an attempt at aeromedical air operators by private business, there was only one singularly honorable person who tried to make the air medical assistance system. I am honored to have known this man who most unselfishly fulfilled his professional commitment, but as LaGuardia, the first Italian-American and one of the most influential mayors of New York, had said: ‘Why, when someone does something good, it will always find someone to smooth things over???’.
The clue is the lack of adequate experience and the wrong direction
Subsequently, when the term HEMS appeared in the public domain, it became very sexy and attractive to join the battle for the “big cock” and what not, some of whom have not even flown in a helicopter, or those for whom it is was a very sexy memory from the distant past. These “experts” have developed a concept and methodology for disinformation and discrediting certain individuals who hinder them. This includes people in high positions in the state.”
Ivan Kristof, a specialist in high-altitude and extreme rescue, shared this with “Bulgaria Dnes”. The world record holder in this field, known in our country and around the world as Spider-Man, is adamant that the inglorious result with the announcement of a public procurement for rescue helicopters and its failure due to the presence of one offer, which is 21 million more than the budget by the state, has long been foreshadowed.
“It was clear that this was going to happen in the end. The whole concept is totally flawed. We are late for everything. We are in the field of fictional reality. There are too many incompetent people who come up the chain without even the minimum necessary experience . I catch them in total lies – these are the so-called experts who deliberately spread misinformation. Some even posed as representatives of helicopter companies,” the native Spider-Man did not hide his indignation and added that the banker Emil was the first in Bulgaria to try to provide air ambulances Külev before being liquidated.
Christoph is preparing an AerialRescue.com forum on December 21 and 22, to which the best specialists in aviation in our country will be invited.
“Together we will work on the preparation of a platform and structure, on which monitoring and control can be worked most effectively. I, personally, as the creator of an informal Bulgarian-Canadian innovation fund, which I organize, provide resources and platforms for millions of Canadian dollars for public use.
First – with the construction of a building of the Rescuer of the Future near Vitosha Mountain, where the future extreme rescuers that I train will be housed. I am establishing a National Search and Rescue Center. We are at war and we need to react quickly and urgently with what we have, not what we want.
The second – with an algorithm. I will provide know-how from my Canadian methodology. In Toronto I served as a volunteer reservist. The Canadian military is the most powerful rescue force in the world. Its function is to ensure the security of the country, the investments and the safety of the people. I will integrate this module in Bulgaria,” he told the Spider Man newspaper.
Therefore, on the 5th of December, the International Volunteer Day, there was an Open House on the terrace (with a panoramic view of Lozenska, Vitosha and Lyulin mountains), on the 5th floor of the House of the Savior of the Future, where a Mobile Communication Center for Search and Rescue is being created land-water-air.
I spent this morning signing over 10 declarations and purchase and sale documents on land that I purchased with personal money and will be used for a SAR (Support and Rescue) Hub for emergency response and storage of land-water-air rescue equipment and technique. The site is close to a strategically suitable helipad and LZ area for landing volunteer rescuers from S.O.S. Team. After all, I’m a parent and I don’t count