Exclusive promoter for Traser H3 Swiss Made watches Ivan Kristoff’s  successful campaign as an Exclusive Promoter of a Swiss watchmaker resulted in a proposal to become the Brand Ambassador for Traser H3 Swiss made Watches. In the “Fire Off” Musical clip, you will see Ivan Kristoff’s video musical...

За хората, които в криза и под стрес действат най-разумно, хуманно и си отдават времето и здравето, едни от най-ценните неща, в полза на обществото, отдавам такова важно значение на проекта за изграждане на Дом на спасителя на бъдещето....

The driving force of our management team is not only to complete quickly  and cost effectively our tasks, but also to help our professional and emergency community. We strive to find innovative solutions and maker safer the vertical and aerial rope access field of work....