This is the first issue of Global Citizen Magazine. In the article “Vertical Challenge”, February 2011, on page 56,57, 58 and 59, you will find out how “High-rise safety expert Ivan Kristoff rescues Middle Eastern market” and tests the new extreme line of Swiss Made watch...

We were happy to work with GDStyles, an advertising studio that is dedicated to the study, design, creation and maintenance of unique solutions for graphic and web design to improve Ivan Kristoff’s brand, logo and stationary materials in 2009. .The task was to create individual logos for Ivan...

We are Cougars – A new perception of the Bulgarian Air Forces  “My understanding of the concept for BAF (Bulgarian Air Forces) is B.A.F. (Being Always First). This is the path I believe that should be taken for the 100th Anniversary of the Bulgarian aviation....

Helicopter and Emergency Aerial Response sTrategy (H.E.A.R.T.) Presentation Ivan Kristoff, aka Spiderman – the first man who worked on the inaccessible places of the tallest concrete tower in the world, presented the Highrise Emergency Aerial Response sTrategy (H.E.A.R.T.) during the Dubai Helishow 2012. This event was...

Dear Partners, I would like to share with you my vision to put a proposal to Swiss Made Watches to be the Official timing partner of the A.I.R. (Air to aIr Rescue) project. After that I will put a proposal to His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum. The...

В това есе бих искал да опиша както едни от първите световни новинарски източници, векове наред формиращи общественото мнение, така и новинарските източници, които аз създавам и използвам, за да информирам обществото и тясно специализираната си публика (в сферата на вертикалните и въздушни въжени операции)...