Първото представяне на български идеи за доброволческо спасяване на супер високи сгради Веселина АНГЕЛОВА, в. ТРУД Българинът от Канада Иван Кристоф, по-известен като Човека-паяк предизвикал фурор на Международно изложение за хеликоптерни технологии и операции преди броени дни в Дубай. Известният нашенец трябвало да изнесе лекция...

I challenged the artists and pilots to think beyond what I can rappel or traverse with the typical rope access techniques for transferring from one structure to another. I also had to educate the artist and pilots about the mechanics of my movements and what could resolve in the anticipated positions of Vertical Velocity that I might be exposed.

This is still the most dangerous rope access related job in the world, “Dear Ivan.We are very pleased with the high angle work you completed above the CN Tower’s Skypod. The work was conducted with professionalism and your safety standards were impeccable. As you know the CN Tower is a wonder of the modern world at a height of 1815 feet and 5 inches.  Once again thank you for your support and assisting us with your technical expertise. Your innovative solutions aided our structural engineering team with detailed reports.“  writes in year 2004 Nick  MIgliore, executive Director of Operations and Security of the CN Tower. Тази серия от концептуални фотографии е част от подготовката за предстоящата изложба по случай на 15-годишнината на първата височинна работа на най-високата сграда в света.

Boriana Razsolkova-Koleva’s perfect work during Dubai Helishow 2014 “As an Official exhibitor Partner of Dubai Helishow I would like to express my sincere admiration of Ms. Boriana Razsolkova-Koleva’s work during the event and participating in the most successful public and media presentation of Dubai Helishow...

DESISLAV   KAMENOV   KOLEV  EDUCATION: 1990-1996 National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria Specialty-Elite Sport – Master’s degree Physical education – MA degree Examinations and practices: Theory and methods of sports training, Elite sport, Sports specialty-Track and field athletics, Physical education, Pedagogy, Sports Management, Strength training, Sports games...