AugustaWestland A 109 Police Boreder Patrol medical helicopter with whinch cabel system

Auto | Embedded Journalism for Rescue

Up there, you see some photos from how we start training Extreme Embedded Journalists from the early sunset. From our fleet of Nissan 4×4 and sport;s car emergency vehicles, equipped with the latest technology that Police Officers use in their Authority vehicles, we can communicate efficiently with the Big Date and have a Live video monitoring system to manage our Sea – Air – Land operations.

What I, Ivan Kristoff,  am writing you may be to bold to propose, but once we show you in person at the Intersec 2018 the insights of an innovative project, the organizations that I am working with and the funds that can be invested from government and private sectors, you will be able to grasp the full scale of innovation that I am proposing to open a new chapter in the history of rescue.. With a team of experts and representatives of world’s leading companies we are working on key short terms and long term projects that will reshape for better the emergency response to super high-rises. We can speed up the evolution of rope rescue and gain profits for those who join us.

As a pioneer in extreme rope access, aerial rescue and official exhibition partner of Dubai Helishow 2010, 2012 and 2014, I discussed with pilots and the Top of Mind safety and security experts that there is a need for improvements in the aerial rope rescue, especially in UAE. While America has over hundred years’ experience of high-rise emergency response, the Middle East and Europe can benefit from that knowledge and shape new trends in the aviation industry. For this I can present at the Intersec 2018 how to prepare EMS to do highrise rope rescue on super tall buildings without any limitations and work in extreme conditions, how to train efficiently and perform air rescue on the tallest buildings. At the Intersed I will share my experience of work in extreme weather condition and critical situations on world’s tallest structures.

What can be beneficial for rescue teams is that we can invite them to train in a new Vertical Rescue Academy in Bulgaria and provide Extreme Rescue Workshops during the 20th edition of Intersec and in the future. Some of these workshops will prepare emergency responders for the full scope of services that are involved to to training, preparing and responding to emergency situations on high rises. That includes extreme training, extreme driving of emergency vehicles in emergency situations and harsh environment, extreme rope access on super high rises and in the air and extreme embedded journalism that can use the latest and most advanced technology in communications and navigations.

In addition, I can create a new rescue team in Dubai, we can create Media, Marketing and Business Development Partnership that will help better communicate the new changes and improvements in the industrial rope access profession.

Presentation on “High-rise Emergency Aerial Response Training” (HEART), Technical Demo and show you the new Vertical Rescue Media House Web TV, film and e-newsletter production, In depth journalism for rope access activities and visual storytelling for the public



Ще тестваме нова техника и приложим нови тенденции в комуникациите и дигитализацията. Част от нея е хибридна GPS и GSM /сателитна и клетъчна/ навигация з а мониторинг в реално време.

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We chose Nissan Qashqai Tekna #ForBulgaria as our Journalistic car for a better communication between ground and aerial SAR support.

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Safer concepts for volunteer and pro rescue organizations

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